Northern Kenya

Turkana community engaged for consent on Calcite, Fluoride mining exploration

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Calcite and fluoride minerals are used in building and construction and are key ingredients in cement production, chemical engineering, pharmaceuticals, and glass manufacturing.

The pastoralist community at Losajait in Nakalale, Turkana North, was engaged to provide their consent for the exploration of the area's rich deposits of calcite and fluoride.

Officials from the county Department of Mining, along with representatives of prospective investors, held a consent forum to emphasise the potential benefits for the community and the environmental safety standards of the proposed mineral exploration.

Calcite and fluoride minerals are used in building and construction and are key ingredients in cement production, chemical engineering, pharmaceuticals, and glass manufacturing.

Areman Elim, the Acting Director of Mineral Resources, stated that the consent forum was essential as the local community was being involved in the decision-making process.

"The meeting is about ensuring our community's voice is heard and that we all have a stake in the development that affects our land and resources. We want to ensure that investment in our county brings tangible benefits to our people, particularly the artisanal miners who have been working hard under difficult conditions," said Areman.

Speaking during the community consent forum, he highlighted the benefits for local artisanal miners, including improved working conditions, fair wages, access to mining equipment, and the repair of the Nakilinga borehole to provide the community with a reliable water supply.

Paul Lopiding, a representative of the prospective investors, assured the community of their commitment to responsible mining practices and corporate social responsibility.

"We are not just here to extract resources but to also build a lasting partnership with the people of Turkana. Our goal is to create a win-win situation where the community benefits alongside the business," he stated.

Simon Ekitela, speaking on behalf of the local artisanal miners, welcomed the mining exploration but called for transparency from the prospecting company regarding job opportunities and resource distribution.

"We welcome the development, but it must be done in a way that respects our land and benefits the community," he cautioned.

The Acting County Director for the Mining Department, in response to the community's concerns, assured them that their issues would be addressed before the final agreement with the company was signed.

He added that a follow-up meeting would be held to finalise the terms and agreement of engagement with the prospective investor.

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