Northern Kenya
The school project has been successful since inception and will be extended to many ASAL schools where parents were grappling with the impacts of drought.
Ahmednasir's criticism is directed at the five counties of Mandera, Wajir, Garissa, Isiolo, and Marsabit.
With initiatives like these, Garissa’s farmers are not only securing their livelihoods but also contributing to environmental conservation and economic growth in the region.
In the tragic boat accident, eight passengers travelling from Nairobi lost their lives, with their bodies later recovered, while 22 others were rescued.
The project funded by the International Labour Organisation (ILO) targets Kakuma, Kalobeyei, Songot, Nanak, Letea, Pelekech, and Lopur in Turkana West Sub-county.
Wajir South MP Mohammed Adow and his Mandera South counterpart Abdul Haro say the neglect of the region in almost all spheres makes it difficult for the residents to access Judiciary services.
Through collaboration with community members, actionable steps are being developed to shield girls from FGM.
Governor Nathif lauded the government’s efforts to address the perennial floods that he said have wreaked havoc in Garissa and Tana River counties.
The forum sought to engage the community and ensure their active participation in the decision-making process regarding mining activities in the area.
The Eastleigh Voice Reporter Barack Oduor spoke to Mandera South MP Abdul Haro on the role of the United Democratic Movement (UDM) Party in changing the fortunes of the region and what it takes.
Community representatives who spoke at the event expressed their commitment to promoting the public-private partnership.
The SUPKEM Garissa branch officials highlighted the lack of farm inputs and minimal farmer's participation in budget making.
The residents' main contention is that WAJWASCO embarked on a process of drilling wells near the shallow wells in the geographical areas of the locations without carrying out public participation in violation of the rights of area residents.
This marks the second consecutive year that some counties, including Trans Nzoia, Isiolo and Uasin Gishu, have avoided foreign travel altogether.
Garissa Township Deputy County Commissioner Sebastian Okiring urged parents to guide and give their children the necessary attention and guidance against violence.
The county has already drilled and equipped 36 boreholes in various locations, including Dadachabasa and Merti-Lakole.
The leaders pointed out that 1.9 million children in 15 pastoralist counties were not attending school, noting the urgent need for solutions
Food for the Hungry launched a comprehensive hygiene promotion campaign, reaching 1,976 households in the North Horr and Moyale sub-counties.
The teams reach out to individuals affected by TB, educating them on the importance of maintaining a healthy diet and encouraging them to access healthcare facilities.
Speaking during the official launch of the Pastoralist Summit in Wajir town, Ali urged PPG members, comprising 109 MPs, to remain united in pressuring the government to release the funds.
Keynan reminded President Ruto of his government's commitment to eradicating abductions and ensuring the safety of all citizens.
The officers inspected the scene where the attack happened in Laffey Sub-County in Mandera.
The PS revealed that the government is currently committed to establishing 450 feedlots nationwide and plans to place 5,000 hectares of land under pasture to mitigate the impact of drought on pastoralist communities.
Calling for greater integration into Kenya's national development agenda, the event's patron Dido Raso noted the challenges that pastoralist communities face.
The world today is looking at food security as the number one agenda yet we have neglected 80 per cent of this country agriculturally.
In preparation for the summit, Wajir County undertook various activities, including cleaning the town, demolishing stalls along major roads, and imposing fines for activities involving donkey carts within the town centre.
They also called on President Ruto to intervene urgently, fearing the tensions could trigger an influx of refugees into Kenya.
The residents had settled on the land as pastoralists in the 1940s, initially as grazing lands but in the 1980s they put up permanent and semi-permanent homes.
Some of the stalled projects include a modern market, an abattoir, the county administration block and the expansion of Isiolo International Airport.
The newly elected Speaker appreciated the KYMCA for the initiative that he said was a sure way to empower youth to realise their dreams to become leaders.