City Affairs

Activists demand answers for mysterious death of man at Kawangware Police Post

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According to witnesses, Hussein was arrested after engaging in a fight with a young man, whose parents reported the incident to the police.

Human Rights groups are calling for an explanation for the sudden death of 25-year-old Hussein Noor at Kawangware Police Post on Monday night under unclear circumstances.

According to the Social Justice Centres Working Group, Hussein was arrested on Monday afternoon and booked at the station only to be pronounced dead hours later.

"Hussein Noor born in 1999 was arrested on Monday at around 1 pm at Galana petrol station and was held at Kawangware Police Post just to be pronounced dead on Tuesday under unclear circumstances. We demand justice for Hussein," the group said in a post on Twitter.

According to witnesses, Hussein was arrested after engaging in a fight with a young man, whose parents reported the incident to the police.

"Hussein's parents reached out to the victim's family and resolved the matter and what was left was engaging the officers to see that he is released. Unfortunately, at about 15 minutes to 11pmt, his parents received a call from the police post informing them that Hussein had committed suicide inside the cells," a member of the group told The Eastleigh Voice.

At the station, the family was told their son allegedly committed suicide using a wire and was shown some marks on his neck.

Those who witnessed Hussein's arrest told The Eastleigh Voice that he seemed stable and well at the time of arrest.

Equally, they added that he kept calling out for a man called "Zaddo" while in the cells.

"A post-mortem has been scheduled for Wednesday at the city mortuary," said one of the members of the group.

At the same time, the Independent Policing and Oversight Authority (IPOA) is investigating an incident in which a minor reportedly died at a police station in Makueni County, where his mother had been detained.

"On Friday, May 31 and pursuant to sections 6(1) of Cap 86 of the Laws of Kenya, IPOA on its motion launched investigations into the death of a minor at the Kambuu police station in Makueni County, where his mother, Zipporah Mutheu had been detained. IPOA officers have also visited the scene and have so far interviewed a number of witnesses."

"Upon completion of investigations and where criminal culpability is proven, IPOA will recommend prosecution," the statement issued by IPOA Chairperson Anne Makori on Monday stated.

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