
South African troops battle M23 rebels in DRC, casualties reported

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M23 fighters captured several villages near Rutshuru, leading to a surge in displacement as villagers fled to escape the violence.

The South African National Defence Force (SANDF) engaged in a fierce battle with M23 rebels in Sake, a town in the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) on Thursday, May 30, 2024, in a statement released by the Defence Department of South Africa

The encounter resulted in 13 SANDF members being injured and one fatally wounded. All injured personnel have been evacuated to Goma Hospital, where they are currently recuperating. Additionally, two Armoured Personnel Carriers (APCs) were damaged during the engagement.

The SANDF's presence in the DRC is part of MONUSCO's broader mandate to stabilise the region. Established in 1999, MONUSCO's mission includes protecting civilians, facilitating humanitarian assistance, and supporting the DRC government in its efforts to achieve peace and security.

Over the years, the mission has faced numerous challenges, including the complex interplay of local and regional conflicts, the presence of multiple armed groups, and the DRC's vast and difficult terrain.

In early April 2024, M23 fighters captured several villages near Rutshuru, leading to a surge in displacement as villagers fled to escape the violence.

The rebel group also targeted a UN convoy in the same month, resulting in the deaths of three peacekeepers and raising international alarm over the safety of UN personnel and humanitarian workers in the area.

The resurgence of M23 has been linked to broader regional dynamics and unresolved tensions between the DRC and neighbouring countries.

The group's operations have complicated relations with Rwanda and Uganda, both of which have been accused in the past of supporting the rebels, though they deny these allegations.

The increased activity of M23 has prompted the DRC government to call for greater international support to counter the rebel threat and stabilise the region.

By 2013, joint efforts by the Congolese army and MONUSCO's intervention brigade led to the defeat of M23, and the group announced the end of its rebellion.

However, despite their defeat, the remnants of M23 have continued to operate in the region, contributing to ongoing violence and displacement of civilians. The group has been accused of numerous human rights violations, including killings, rapes, and the recruitment of child soldiers.

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