
Tanzania’s former prime minister Edward Lowassa is dead

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President Samia Suluhu, in a heartfelt post, mourned Lowasa as a brave and dedicated leader.

Tanzania’s former prime minister Edward Ngoyai Lowassa died on Saturday, February 10, at the Jakaya Kikwete Cardiac Institute (JKCI), in Dar es Salaam at the age of 70.

Vice President Dr Philip Mpango announced his death on Tanzania Broadcasting Corporation (TBC).

Lowasa served as Tanzania's Prime Minister from 2005 to 2008 under President Jakaya Kikwete, marking a significant chapter in the nation's political history.

However, his tenure was marred by controversy. He became the first Prime Minister in the country's history to be forced to resign.

Despite the setback, Lowasa remained a formidable figure in Tanzanian politics and attempted to secure the presidency in 2015.

In a historic move, he ran as an opposition candidate after the ruling Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) party failed to nominate him as their candidate for the elections.

His bid for the presidency was ultimately unsuccessful, as he faced off against John Magufuli.

President Samia Suluhu, in a heartfelt post, mourned Lowasa as a brave and dedicated leader who dedicated 35 years of his life to serving Tanzania in various capacities. Lowasa's contributions to both parliamentary and government affairs have left a lasting impact on the nation.

Born on August 24, 1953, Lowasa was the fourth child of herdsman Ngoyai Lowassa, who worked part-time for the colonial government. His humble beginnings shaped his journey into politics, where he served as Minister of State in the Prime Minister's Office during President Ali Hassan Mwinyi's second term.

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