
Africa has achieved only 4 per cent of Vision 2030 SDGs target - lobby

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On what is causing the slowed progress, the the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) says economic constraints are in the lead.

The African continent is far from meeting some of its targets of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals come 2030, the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) has said.

The lobby, during its presentations at the 2024 SDG Action Summit in Ghana last week, said Africa has only achieved four per cent of the Vision 2030 SDGs target.

"As such, the future generation will inherit a world set by environmental degradation, economic instability and social fragmentation, hence the need for urgent and decisive innovative actions to up the pace," the lobby says.

On what is causing the slowed progress, the lobby says economic constraints are in the lead.

"Many African economies rely heavily on primary commodity exports, making them vulnerable to price fluctuations. Nearly 60 per cent of African countries still rely on primary commodity exports, limiting diversification and innovation crucial for SDG implementation," Agra says.

Other highlighted challenges include inadequate infrastructure and funding, growing populations, especially in informal settlements with sub-human conditions, and climate change affecting freshwater availability.

Additionally, it says the continent's development policy and management over the past decade has been greatly influenced by the SDGs and Agenda 2063, which are complementary frameworks aimed at engendering prosperity and advancing the well-being of both people and the planet.

In her keynote speech, AGRA President Agnes Kalibata noted that Africa's biggest opportunity for the Goals lies in the agricultural sector.

"Transforming Africa's food systems is fundamental to achieving the SDGs and enhancing agricultural productivity is key to lifting millions out of poverty," Kalibata said. "It requires leadership that is ready to drive innovations that boost productivity, ensure food security, and create sustainable livelihoods for our farmers."

The revelations are in line with the latest 2024 SDG report by the World Bank, which said the world is severely off track in efforts to meet SDGs by 2030.

The 2024 SDG report noted that out of the assessable targets, only 17 per cent display progress sufficient for achievement by 2030, meaning that out of the total 17, only about three goals are on track.

"Nearly half (48 per cent) exhibit moderate to severe deviations from the desired trajectory, with 30 per cent showing marginal progress and 18 per cent moderate progress," the report reads. "Alarmingly, 18 per cent indicate stagnation and 17 per cent regression below the 2015 baseline levels."

Notably, SDG number 7 (to ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all), and 12 (on sustainable consumption and production patterns) are the top-ranked goals in terms of the fulfilment of targets.

SDG 2, on ending hunger, achieving food security and improved nutrition, and promoting sustainable agriculture, is the leading in regression.

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