
Kwale tourism sector gets boost following upgrading of road leading to abandoned beaches

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These beaches had been deserted due to insecurity and lack of proper access roads, leading to the collapse of businesses along the shores.

Kwale's tourism sector is set for a transformation as construction begins on cabro roads leading to two once-abandoned beaches, Watatu Watano in Ukunda and Mvureni Beach in Kinondo.

These beaches had been deserted due to insecurity and lack of proper access roads, leading to the collapse of businesses along the shores.

The road construction is part of a larger project aimed at revitalising Diani beaches, and enhancing security to ensure the safety of tourists, locals, and traders alike.

Kwale Governor Fatuma Achani, speaking during the launch, noted the importance of maintaining Diani as one of Africa's leading tourist destinations.

Having been named Africa's Leading Destination for the 11th successive time by the World Travel Awards in 2023, Diani's prominence highlights the significance of this endeavour.

Governor Fatuma expressed her commitment to revamping beaches and tourist attractions to attract more visitors and create employment opportunities for the youth.

With a budget of Sh20.4 million, the project aims to improve accessibility to the beaches for both locals and tourists. Governor Fatuma outlined the project's two-phase approach: cabro paving of the roads in phase one, followed by the installation of streetlights to enhance safety and security in phase two.

The collaboration between the county government and the national government, through the Ministry of Tourism and Wildlife, points to a concerted effort to revive the country's tourism industry.

CS Alfred Mutua's statement in April highlighted the government's determination to invest in critical infrastructure and strategic marketing to attract tourists.

The construction of cabro roads in Ukunda and Kinondo wards is expected to significantly enhance the tourism experience, attract more visitors, and stimulate economic growth in Kwale County.

Governor Fatuma noted that this infrastructure investment will create job opportunities and improve the quality of life for residents in the region.

She also reassured residents of her commitment to reclaim grabbed land in Kwale for the benefit of the people.

Rose Ng'ang'a, chairlady of Mvureni Women Limited, welcomed the infrastructure improvements, noting their potential to benefit both tourists and locals.

Among the officials present at the launch were CEC Social Services and Talent Management Francisca Kilonzo, CEC Tourism, Trade, and Enterprise Development Michael Mutua, and Chief Officer Social Services Riziki Mwasoza, among others.

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