
Coastal governors partner with Italy to boost tourism sector

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Plans were discussed to strengthen Malindi's connection with Italian tourism, with the hope of attracting more investors and tourists to the area.

The coastal region is set to receive a significant boost in tourism through a series of initiatives and partnerships with the Italian government.

These efforts aim to revive the industry, which has seen a decline in international visitors, particularly affecting popular holiday spots in Kilifi and Malindi.

Key initiatives include expanding Malindi Airport to accommodate larger aircraft, focusing on individual facility marketing rather than collective promotion by the tourism board, and diversifying into conference tourism.

The coastal governors, under the Jumuiya Ya Kaunti za Pwani (JKP), have been holding meetings with European Union (EU) countries and Italian tourism agencies to establish these partnerships.

Governor Gideon Mung’aro of Kilifi, currently on a work trip in Italy, emphasised the importance of these collaborations. "I met with Daniela Garnero Santanchè, the Italian Minister of Tourism, and signed an agreement for maritime education and training courses for youth in the coastal region," he said.

Mung’aro added the Italian Government will fund these courses to empower young people with skills for seafaring jobs in the Blue Economy sector. “We aim to boost economic growth by investing in them."

The coastal governors, including those from Mombasa (Abdulswamad Nassir), Tana River(Dhadho Godhana), Lamu (Issa Timamy), Kwale (Fatuma Achani) and Taita Taveta (Andrew Mwadime), are also seeking close ties with the Italian government to tap into the blue economy sector.

Plans were discussed to strengthen Malindi's connection with Italian tourism, with the hope of attracting more investors and tourists to the area.

Governor Mung’aro noted the partnership discussions with the Italian Agency Tourism Board. "We are planning a 6-day familiarisation trip for Italian tour operators and journalists by November 2024 to showcase Kilifi County's attractions," he said.

On her side, Minister of Tourism Daniela Santanchè expressed Italy's enthusiasm for the partnership. "At the centre of the meeting are possible synergies in the tourism sphere to promote opportunities for growth and development in Kenya in full tune with the Mattei Plan," she said.

The governors also proposed a partnership in mapping and preserving historical sites, with a focus on those in Tana River and Lamu Counties.

Governor Dhadho Godhana of Tana River highlighted the potential in wildlife conservation, cultural heritage, and unique sea fronts. "This will help scale up the partnerships between EU countries and Italy, opening up the entire region for tourism, job creation, and reducing poverty," he said.

An MOU is being pursued between the Italian Ministry of Tourism, the Italian Tourism Board, and the tourism boards of Kilifi and Tana River counties to solidify these partnerships.

Additionally, a fun trip for Italian tourism sector players and media teams is being organised to explore opportunities for tourism promotion and investments.

Governor Mung’aro, the chairperson of JKP, also discussed plans to boost fish production and export, improve infrastructure, and enhance food security through agricultural partnerships with Italy.

These collaborative efforts aim to transform the coastal region into a top tourist destination and economic hub, benefiting local communities and creating numerous job opportunities.

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