
Political turmoil erupts in Coast over ODM leader succession

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Joho’s move to the Cabinet as the nominee for CS for Mining under President William Ruto has sparked this contention,

A political upheaval is unfolding in Kenya's coastal region as delegates clash over the succession of Hassan Joho, the outgoing ODM Deputy Party Leader, following his recent nomination to the cabinet.

Mombasa and Kilifi leaders are fiercely backing their respective governors—Abdulswamad Nassir of Mombasa and Gideon Mung’aro of Kilifi—for the influential role, deepening the rift among regional powerbrokers.

Joho’s move to the Cabinet as the nominee for CS for Mining under President William Ruto has sparked this contention, while Kisii Governor Simba Arati and Vihiga Senator Godfrey Osotsi are also vying for the deputy leader role, aiming to replace Wycliffe Oparanya, who has also been nominated to become the CS for Cooperatives and MSMEs.

Despite speculation of ODM leader Raila Odinga endorsing Arati and Nassir, Governor Arati has denied these claims, stating that party support will be sought through member engagement. In Mombasa, local MPs are rallying behind Nassir as the preferred successor.

The MPs argue that Nassir possesses the necessary attributes to propel the party’s agenda forward, particularly in light of party leader Raila Odinga’s anticipated departure as he pursues election as the African Union Commission Chairperson.

Mvita MP Mohamed Soud Machele affirmed, “And we within Parliament will stand firm with him.”

Kisauni MP Rashid Bedzimba added, “For the chairmen on the coast, they will be the first to sit down and deliberate on who is suitable for the position.”

However, not all leaders agree with Nassir’s potential ascension. Changamwe MP Omar Mwinyi voiced his concerns, stating, “In your constituency, Raila was defeated at your polling station. Now you want to become the party leader?”

Mombasa Senator Mohamed Faki echoed similar sentiments, citing developmental shortcomings, “Our wards have no development. Groups are not being given funds. Many people have lost hope in the leadership in Mombasa. Therefore, we tell our brother Abdulswamad to pull up his socks.”

Conversely, Jomvu MP Badi Twalib called for unity, urging, “Let us not be envious of our colleagues. If today you do not want someone else to get the position, what benefit will we have if the seat moves from Mombasa to elsewhere? A good leader maintains friendships well and can stand by their friend in times of trouble. And I say that during this battle, I will stand by Abdulswamad as I did when seeking the governorship of Mombasa. I was the first to declare Nassir deserves the position, and I will continue to support him.”

In Kilifi, ODM delegates in Malindi Sub-County are backing Governor Gideon Mung’aro for the deputy party leader role. Led by ODM Women League coordinator Catherine Dzame and party youth league coordinator Mohamed Abanur, the delegates praised Mung’aro’s grassroots mobilisation skills. “We also need to celebrate as Kilifi people and we will do that if Raila Odinga gives our governor Gideon Mung’aro the chance to be ODM deputy party leader. He can deliver and expand the tentacles of the party in the region and beyond,” said Dzame.

Abanur emphasised Kilifi’s importance as an ODM stronghold, stating, “We thank our party leader for allowing Joho to serve in Ruto’s cabinet, and we want Mung’aro to take the deputy party leader position because Kilifi is the main stronghold of the party.”

Malindi MP Amina Mnyazi added, “But people of Mombasa, you have held the Deputy Party Leader position for ten years. If you give us a chance, Kilifi will not be a problem.”

As the debate intensifies, coastal leaders insist that the successor should hail from the region, reflecting the importance of maintaining local influence within the party’s national leadership structure.

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