
Eastleigh residents critique Nairobi County's 2024/25 budget proposal

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During the five-hour session, the residents questioned the existing budget and the 2024 County Fiscal Strategy Paper (CFSP).

Eastleigh residents on Tuesday got a chance to give their opinions on the Nairobi County budget-making process.

They showed up at the Eastleigh North Social Hall for a public participation exercise on Nairobi County's 2024/25 budget.

During the five-hour session, the residents questioned the existing budget and the 2024 County Fiscal Strategy Paper (CFSP).

Daniel Orantis, a worker at Kamukunji Justice Centre, said, "I came here specifically to question the development funds. There is a road being built in Mjengo by the World Bank but the county insists on the budget they have set aside for such projects, so if the road is already built, where does the money go?"

He expressed dissatisfaction with the county's failure to provide information regarding various sectors that affect the common citizen.

Maalim Soud, a resident of Kamukunji Constituency and an activist, said he hopes the county will implement their views.

"As a county, we have a history of mistrust between the government and its citizens. Time and again we have made suggestions and proposals but they're disregarded and set aside. We are hopeful that this new government will work on our proposals," Maalim said.

Eastleigh residents attend a public participation session on Nairovi County budget 2024/25 on Tuesday. (Justine Ondieki)

Some residents complained of the heavy terminologies and jargon used in budget statements, which they said limit their understanding.

Aisha Hamisi, a healthcare worker at a community hospital, thanked the county for prioritising the health sector and urged it to resolve the water crisis in Eastleigh.

"We are also requesting for the repair of the water tank. We currently do not have any water and depend on bowsers. Their unreliability puts patients' lives in danger," she said.

The meeting, headed by the County Assembly Finance, Budget and Appropriation Committee, is one of many public participation forums that Nairobi is holding on the CFSP.

The CFSP is a government policy that sets out the broad strategic priorities and policy goals to guide the county government in preparing a budget for the subsequent financial year.It lays out strategic priorities and fiscal policy direction relating to county revenue, expenditure and debt.

The CFSP 2024 that is being considered provides the fiscal policy direction towards the budget for the financial year 2024/2025, and shapes budget preparation and implementation in the medium term.

The projected revenue for 2024/2025 is Sh42.8 billion with external revenue contributing 49 per cent of the total, while own source revenue constitutes 51 per cent.

The 2024-25 Nairobi County budget prioritises sectors like health wellness and mobility and works.

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