
Eastleigh parents concerned over youth obsession with US green card

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In Eastleigh, Nairobi, a trend has emerged among the youth, reflecting a strong inclination towards seeking opportunities abroad, with many flocking to cyber stations in shopping malls to apply for the elusive US green card.

In Eastleigh, Nairobi, a trend has emerged among the youth, reflecting a strong inclination towards seeking opportunities abroad, with many flocking to cyber stations in shopping malls to apply for the elusive US green card. Despite the optimism surrounding the prospects of a life abroad, some individuals express skepticism about the feasibility of such ambitions.

"I don't think the green card is a guaranteed ticket to success. It's a tough journey, and many of us might not be adequately prepared for the challenges that come with it," voiced one of the skeptical youth, highlighting the potential pitfalls associated with the pursuit of a green card.

Echoing a similar sentiment, another youth expressed concerns about the overly idealized perception of life overseas. "We often romanticize the idea of living abroad, but the reality might not meet our expectations. It's crucial to have a realistic understanding of what it takes to thrive in a different country," emphasized the youth, emphasizing the importance of being well-informed before embarking on such endeavors.

Amidst the fervor among the youth, a concerned parent emphasized the need for a more pragmatic approach to pursuing success. "It's understandable that young people have aspirations, but relying solely on the green card as a shortcut to success might not be the best approach. We should encourage them to explore various opportunities locally and develop a strong foundation before seeking opportunities abroad," the concerned parent stated, emphasizing the importance of fostering resilience and perseverance within the youth.

As the youth in Eastleigh continue to grapple with the allure of opportunities beyond their borders, it remains essential for them to strike a balance between ambition and practicality in their pursuit of a prosperous future.

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