
Alumnus generosity: Absa Bank manager gives back to Maina Wanjigi school

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As Abdirizak continues to excel in his career, he remains committed to supporting future generations of students, ensuring they have the resources and opportunities they need to succeed.

Abdirizak Isack Ibrahim, the Eastleigh branch manager of Absa Bank, along with several top managers of the bank, including Ibrahim Yusuf, Islamic product manager, and Hemed Hassan, head of Islamic/La Riba, visited Maina Wanjigi Secondary School in Eastleigh's Fourth Street on Wednesday to deliver foodstuffs.

The gesture marked a proud moment for Abdirizak as he returned to the school where his educational journey began.

Abdirizak fondly recalled his first day at Maina Wanjigi Secondary School in 2007, where he was taken to Form One West.

Life at the school was challenging for him and four other students, who found themselves without a place to stay or enough food to eat after classes. He says getting even breakfast was tough.

With his father working as a cook at a hotel on Eleventh Street and his mother living in Mandera, Abdirizak's options were limited.

"Life was very hard," Abdirizak reflected. "I had nowhere to go after classes."

Abdirizak Isack Ibrahim, the Eastleigh branch manager of Absa Bank, gifts Maina Wanjigi Secondary School's staff and students. (Abdirahman Khalif)

The school's principal at that time, Zuhura Rajab, extended a helping hand, accommodating Abdirizak and the four others, who were struggling, and allowing them to stay at the school.

Determined to improve their circumstances, Abdirizak and the four others approached the Muslim leaders, led by Sheikh Mohamed Abdi Umal, to construct a mosque on the school grounds. The mosque became their refuge, where they not only slept but also studied late into the night, despite facing hunger and adversity.

"We used to sleep and study in that mosque while hungry," Abdirizak revealed, reflecting on the hardships they endured.

After completing his secondary education, Abdirizak pursued a Bachelor of Commerce at Mount Kenya University before furthering his education with a Master of Science in Finance at Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology. Currently, he is pursuing a PhD in Business Administration and Finance at the same institution.

Some of the food items donated to Maina Wanjigi school. (Abdirahman Khalif)

Professional journey

Abdirizak's professional journey began in Eastleigh, where he served in various roles at different banks.

He joined First Community Bank (now Premier Bank) in 2012 as a sales representative, gradually rising to the position of branch manager. In 2019, he moved to Gulf African Bank, continuing his role as a branch manager before assuming his current position as senior branch manager at Absa Bank, overseeing branches at BBS Mall and Yusuf Haji Road.

Reflecting on his past experiences, Abdirizak expressed his pride in giving back to the school that played a significant role in shaping his life. "Getting even breakfast was difficult for me," he shared, acknowledging the challenges many students face.

"I know there might be other students who are undergoing the same hardships I faced," he stated.

Abdirizak Isack Ibrahim, the Eastleigh branch manager of Absa Bank, joins the Maina Wanjigi school fraternity on March 27, 2024. (Abdirahman Khalif)

He also shared updates on some of his former schoolmates, highlighting their successes in various fields.

Yusuf Kibato, one of the students who once slept in the mosque, is now a doctor in the United States. Another one is a senior accountant in the United Kingdom, while the other pursued a career in medicine.

Maina Wanjigi Secondary School, now a girls-only boarding institution, serves a diverse student population, with over 250 Muslim students predominantly from the surrounding neighborhood.

School Principal Maryam Gathu expressed her gratitude for Abdirizak's donation, emphasizing its importance, particularly during Ramadan.

"We are very grateful for this donation and hope to receive more support in the future," she said.

As Abdirizak continues to excel in his career, he remains committed to supporting future generations of students, ensuring they have the resources and opportunities they need to succeed.


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