
Pupils in schools affected by floods moved to neighbouring institutions

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Some schools resumed operations on Monday, May 13, with learners allowed to return to classes.

Learning resumed at the Merti sub-county in Isiolo County after the government assessed the readiness of schools that were marooned in floods after the River Ewaso Nyiro burst its banks.

Some schools resumed operations on Monday, May 13, with learners allowed to return to classes. However, other schools were forced to relocate their students to neighbouring institutions as floods caused by heavy rains damaged their infrastructure.


Macci Primary and Secondary, Khalifa Primary and Girls Secondary, Hamza Primary, Mlanda Nur Primary, and Gamachu Primary were among the schools that were affected by the floods.

Among those that received learners back were Gamachu and Merti Muslim primary schools.

Conversely, Mlanda Nur Primary School failed to reopen on the first day of resumption of studies. Others reopened but could not accommodate students as repairs were still underway.

Pupils at Mlanda Nur could not be moved due to the long distance to neighbouring schools. The administration resorted to allowing them to resume learning on Tuesday, May 14, ostensibly after parents demanded that it reopen, despite not having sanitation facilities.

Like other schools that had been affected by floods, Mlanda Nur is relying on sanitation facilities being used by the local community, with Gamachu and Merti Muslim primary schools using pit latrines at local mosques.

More than 200 Merti South Muslim Primary School pupils were accommodated at Merti Boarding Primary and Merti School for the Deaf, while more than 100 others from Khalifa Primary are studying at Al-Rahma and Merti Muslim Primary schools.

What Isiolo County Director of Education Caroline Mugo said 

County Director of Education Caroline Mugo confirmed that learners at some schools affected by floods were moved to neighbouring schools.

Mugo added that the safety of the students was enhanced thanks to the reduced water levels in the River Ewaso Nyiro.

"Learning has resumed across the county with Mlanda Nur, which did not open yesterday, resuming today," she said.


However, teachers at some of the host schools raised concerns over the pressure on resources due to the influx of pupils and appealed for support, including dignity kits for the girls and stationery.

"We urgently require support to ensure the pupils are comfortable and reduce the strain on the little available resources," a teacher who spoke on the condition of anonymity said.

In response, the County Director of Education, Caroline Mugo, appealed to well-wishers and local organisations to come to the aid of the affected schools and help them get adequate sanitation facilities.

She added that allowing students to return to their respective schools would also reduce the strain on resources.

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