City Affairs

Gikomba Market stalls at risk as Nairobi County advances fire station project

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Demolitions have taken place at the huge city market several times before, for reasons including creating space for road construction.

Traders at Nairobi's Gikomba Market protested on Wednesday against the possible demolition of their stalls to pave the way for the construction of a fire station by the Nairobi County Government.

The atmosphere was charged as the traders voiced their opposition to the presence of contractors and other individuals tasked with preparing the site for construction. They packed up their wares to prevent losses.

Views from Nairobi's Gikomba Market, where stall demolitions were expected to take place on April 17, 2024. (Photos: EV)

Demolitions have taken place at the huge city market several times before, for reasons including creating space for road construction.

The market has also suffered repeated fire outbreaks, hence the traders' request for the county government to build a fire station to minimise their losses when such incidents occur.

The plan was for Nairobi to use a vacant field in Gorofani, which it owns. The dispute surrounds its nearness to the stalls, which places them at risk of demolition as the county moves forward with the project. Thus far, holes have been dug up for fencing posts.

Workers place poles at the site in Gikomba Market, Nairobi, where the county government is planning to build a fire station, on April 17, 2024. (Photo: Charity Kilei)

Terresiah Wairimu, the chairperson of the Gikomba Market association, noted that many traders risked losing their sources of livelihood.

"We have enough land for the fire station but we're baffled as to why many people are being displaced. Over 3,000 individuals stand to lose their sources of livelihood because of this project," Wairimu said.

She stressed the importance of a collaborative approach between the county government and the traders, saying, "It's crucial that we come together and have our voices heard in the decision-making process to ensure a smooth transition."

Traders at the Gikomba Market in Nairobi speak to police officers following their protest on April 17, 2024, over the possible demolition of their stalls for a fire station project. (Photo: Justine Ondieki)

Veronika Njeri, a seasoned trader who has been based at Gikomba for about 40 years, complained about the short notice given by the county.

"Where are we supposed to go? The government must provide an alternative before displacing us. Our families rely on this market."

Traders at the Gikomba Market in Nairobi duiring a protest on April 17, 2024, over the possible demolition of their stalls for a fire station project. (Photo: Justine Ondieki)

Echoing her sentiments, Judith Okoth, the association's vice chairperson, who has spent 35 years in Gikomba, said the fire station is important but that "we never imagined it would impact our stalls".

"We haven't received any formal notice. Gikomba is our lifeblood," she said.

Workers place poles at the site in Gikomba Market, Nairobi, where the county government is planning to build a fire station, on April 17, 2024. (Photo: Justine Ondieki)

Kamukunji member of Parliament Yusuf Hassan visited the market on Wednesday, assuring the traders that they would remain in business.

"We asked for a fire station and won't stand for any demolitions. There's enough room for both the station and the traders," he told them, noting their interests would be prioritised.

"Any project that jeopardises the livelihoods of the people of Gikomba is unacceptable to us. The well-being and interests of the community must always come first."

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