
Water Sector Trust Fund unveils sanitation programme to benefit 40,000 households in Asal counties

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The program targets Garissa, Isiolo, Lamu, Marsabit, Tana River and Turkana counties.

The Water Sector Trust Fund has unveiled a water and sanitation programme targeting to benefit 40,000 households in seven arid and semi-arid lands (Asal) counties.

The program dubbed "Sustainable Management and Access to Water and Sanitation" in the Asal counties aims to enhance community resilience and climate change adaptation by promoting sustainable utilisation of natural resources.

In an official statement from the state corporation, the program targets Garissa, Isiolo, Lamu, Marsabit, Tana River and Turkana counties.

The unveiling of the Water Sector Trust Fund's Water and Sanitation programme. (Photo: WaterFund)

The five-year programme is funded by the Government of Kenya and the Royal Danish Embassy through the Water Fund.

The Water Sector Trust Fund officials led by the Water Fund board member Marselino M Abelle and Marsabit County executives led by Governor Mohamud Ali on Thursday inaugurated the construction of El Molo Bay Water and Sanitation Project that is part of the projects targeting the Asal regions.

The project has a component of a reverse osmosis plant which was designed to purify water from Lake Turkana before its distribution to residences and water kiosks.

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