
Azimio backs National Dialogue Committee recommendations with reservations

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The Azimio Parliamentary Group (PG) endorsed the recommendations put forth by the National Dialogue Committee (NDC) on Wednesday.

The Azimio Parliamentary Group (PG) endorsed the recommendations put forth by the National Dialogue Committee (NDC) on Wednesday. The leader of the Orange Democratic Movement (ODM), Raila Odinga, highlighted that while the talks successfully addressed various issues, the cost of living remained a pressing concern. Raila highlighted that the coalition would engage in consultations with the public to tackle the government's failure to address this issue.

In the coming weeks, the coalition plans to seek a referendum on specific aspects discussed during the talks, including the institutionalisation of the Leader of the Opposition and the Prime Cabinet Secretary. Raila stated, "At all times, we will retain the right to call on the people to take steps that we deem necessary to force the government to lower the cost of living."

Despite regarding the report as a good start, Raila termed it incomplete, emphasising that it did not sufficiently address crucial issues like the cost of living. He explained, "The two teams were able to agree on the need and means to reduce the cost of living; this is why we have described the document the committee presented as imperfect and unfinished."

Raila further mentioned that Kenya Kwanza and Azimio agreed on various points but failed to reach a consensus on the emotive issue of the cost of living, which President William Ruto has also acknowledged. Raila further criticised the government's position, stating that it plans to continue Housing Levy deductions despite a court order. Lands Cabinet Secretary Alice Wahome has asserted that the government will proceed with the deductions.

Raila Odinga noted, "Our delegation had called for the complete overhaul of the Finance Act 2023, which had come with harsh taxation measures that made lives unbearable at no expense to the government." He stressed that any attempt to deviate from the court's directions is unconstitutional, calling on employers to stop the deductions immediately.

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