
Senate upholds impeachment of Governor Kawira Mwangaza

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On the charge of gross violation of the constitution and other laws against Mwangaza, 26 senators voted Yes, 4 voted No, and 14 abstained.

The Senate has upheld the impeachment of Meru Governor Kawira Mwangaza, following the Meru MCAs' vote.

Senate Speaker Amason Kingi announced Mwangaza' removal by impeachment, noting that she ceases to hold office with immediate effect.

How senators voted on the charges:

On the charge of gross violation of the constitution and other laws against Mwangaza, 26 senators voted Yes, 4 voted No, and 14 abstained.

On the charge of gross misconduct against Mwangaza, 26 senators voted Yes, 2 voted No, and 14 abstained.

On Charge of Abuse of Office, Senators voted to impeach Mwangaza; 27 senators voted Yes, 1 voted No and 14 abstained.

Senate Majority Leader Aaron Cheruiyot moved the motion on the proposed removal from office, by impeachment, of Mwangaza, the Governor of Meru County on Tuesday night.

The motion was seconded by Senator Nderitu Kinyua.

This was Mwangaza's third impeachment to reach the senate, since she was elected into office in August 2022.

At least 24 elected senators were required to vote in favour of the motion to uphold the governor's ouster from office.

Article 182 of the constitution provides for the procedure to fill a vacancy in the office of the county governor.

When the Senate impeaches the governor, the deputy governor shall assume office as county governor.

The deputy governor will serve the remainder of the county governor's term.

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