
Cruise ship MV Bolette docks at Mombasa Port with 900 tourists

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Plans are in place to receive four more cruise ships between January and March 2024.

A cruise ship named MV Bolette, owned by Fred Olsen Cruise Lines arrived at the Mombasa port with 900 tourists and 1,000 crew members.

The Kenya Ports Authority General Manager, Dr Sudi Mwasinago, alongside John Chirchir, the acting CEO of the Kenya Tourism Board, welcomed the vessel.

CECM Tourism Mombasa County Mohamed Osman after welcoming the tourists to Mombasa.

Expressing their enthusiasm, Mwasinago highlighted the investments made in infrastructure to attract more cruise ships to the port.

Notably, plans are in place to receive four more cruise ships between January and March 2024, including MSC Cruises' MSC Poesia, as part of its global tour.

MSC, a significant presence in Kenya, engages thousands of Kenyan seafarers and frequently calls at the Mombasa port with its cargo vessels.

Upon disembarkation, tourists explored various attractions such as Masai Mara, Amboseli, Tsavo National Parks, and city tours.

Tourists alight from MV Bolette cruise ship at the Port of Mombasa in Mombasa County on December 28, 2023. (Photo: Standard)

A couple from the UK, Peter and Erica Woodhouse, expressed their joy at returning to Kenya for a holiday.

Peter reminisced about their time working in Mombasa, recalling landmarks like the famous elephant tusks, Fort Jesus, Likoni ferry, and the Mombasa Beach Hotel.

Both the Kenya Ports Authority and the Kenya Tourism Board officials emphasized their eagerness to welcome more cruise ships to Mombasa, viewing it as a boost to the country's economy.

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