
Governor Ahmed unveils ambitious plan to uplift Wajir County

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In a bold move aimed at empowering the community and fostering positive change, Governor Ahmed Abdullahi of Wajir County unveiled a comprehensive plan.

In a bold move aimed at empowering the community and fostering positive change, Governor Ahmed Abdullahi of Wajir County unveiled a comprehensive plan on Saturday. The governor's ambitious vision includes several key initiatives, from youth employment and environmental sustainability to tackling drug abuse and promoting unity through sports.

At the heart of the plan lies the "Kazi Mtaani" program, a brainchild of Governor Ahmed's commitment to uplifting the youth. This targeted initiative will directly empower 500 young individuals within the county by providing valuable employment opportunities. "We have engaged 500 youth for this program," the governor stated in a passionate address. "Kazi Mtaani not only offers jobs but also instills a sense of civic responsibility, encouraging our youth to actively contribute to their community's betterment."

Recognizing the crucial role of environmental sustainability, Governor Ahmed announced plans to undertake significant tasks through the Wajir Municipality. These include keeping the town clean, repairing roads damaged by El Niño, and implementing effective plastic waste management. This collaborative approach demonstrates the governor's commitment to fostering a thriving and healthy environment for all.

The youth who will engage in the job initiative.

Furthering his focus on community engagement, Governor Ahmed pledged to organize a football tournament. This event is envisioned as more than just a sporting spectacle; it aims to strengthen community ties and address societal challenges through positive interactions among the vibrant youth of Wajir. By cultivating a sense of unity and resilience, the tournament hopes to build a stronger and more cohesive community.

In the ongoing battle against harmful vices affecting the community, Governor Ahmed announced the establishment of a dedicated task force. Led by retired Assistant Inspector General of Police Mohamed Sheikh (Hambarsade), this task force will work closely with law enforcement to intensify efforts in eliminating the sale and distribution of harmful substances like "changaa" and "marijuana."

Recognizing the critical role parents play in shaping the future of the youth, Governor Ahmed urged them to be actively involved in monitoring their children's engagements. He emphasized the need for a collective effort in ensuring their safety and preventing potential radicalization. "Our children are our greatest asset," he declared in a heartfelt plea. "Together, we can protect their future."

Governor Ahmed's holistic approach, encompassing employment opportunities, sports engagement, environmental sustainability, and the fight against harmful substances, reflects a comprehensive strategy to address the multifaceted challenges faced by Wajir County. His unwavering commitment to community empowerment and positive change offers a promising future for the region and its vibrant youth.

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