
Media milestone as East Africa Press Councils formally launched to promote, protect press freedom

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The councils will also champion diversity while strengthening and promoting independent media regulatory bodies across East Africa.

Heads of media councils across East Africa have formally launched the East Africa Press Councils (EAPC) to promote and protect free, independent, professional and accountable media in the region.

The councils will also champion diversity while strengthening and promoting independent media regulatory bodies across East Africa.

EAPC will also create awareness and promote self-regulation while at the same time creating a platform for media regulatory bodies to share experiences and exchange information on emerging issues in media regulation.

Media regulators present at the launch on Thursday in Arusha agreed on the need to leverage the power of the media in pushing the East African Community's economic bloc’s ideals.

Media Council of Kenya CEO David Omwoyo during the launch of the East Africa Press Councils (EAPC) in Arusha on October 19, 2023. (Photo: Courtesy)

The forum brought together regulators and media development agencies from Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda, the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Somalia.

Social justice

EAC Secretary General Dr Peter Mathuki said independent media remains critical in ensuring social justice, rule of law, accountability and protection of human rights.

Mathuki said the right to information and freedom of expression are protected by national constitutions and other international instruments, adding that the role of media regulators was more critical now than ever.

“When media regulators come together in an effort to promote press freedom I believe great strides will be made. The EAC views media as a major partner in the integration process as it is the media that informs the society on matters of integration besides setting the agenda”, said Dr Mathuki in a speech read on his behalf by EAC’s Director of Social Sectors Dr Irene Isaka.

EAPC Secretary and Media Council of Kenya CEO Mr David Omwoyo said the universality in ethical practices across countries now calls for joint collaborations in media regulation and content moderation in the region.

He urged media players in the region to adopt innovative ways to counter the effects of the digital revolution.

Heads of media councils during the launch of the East Africa Press Councils (EAPC) in Arusha on October 19, 2023. (Photo: Courtesy)

The Director of Information Services and Tanzania’s Chief Government Spokesperson Mobhare Matinyi termed the formation of the EAPC “a great step towards cementing regional integration in all aspects”.

EAPC Chairman and Executive Director of the Media Council of Tanzania Mr Kajubi Mukajanga described the launch as a milestone in media regulation in the region.

“The launch of the East Africa Press Councils is a dream come true for joint media regulation in East Africa. EAPC embraces the spirit of the East African Community in upholding the community's epitomes through the media”, he said.

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