Northern Kenya

Turkana launches livestock vaccination drive, trains disease reporters

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Turkana county government has partnered with the Frontier Counties Development Council (FCDC) to roll out a two-week livestock vaccination drive targeting 170, 000 animals in Loima, Turkana North, and Lokichoggio areas.

The animals will be vaccinated against sheep and goat pox, helminthiasis (worm infections), mange (skin disease caused by parasitic mites), Caprine Pleuropneumonia (highly contagious disease affecting goats), and tick-borne diseases.

The devolved government has provided Sh5 million worth of vaccines and drugs while the partner is expected to spend Sh4.5 million on logistics and other expenses under the Livestock Sector Strengthening (LSS) II program supported by the Swiss Development Corporation.

County Livestock Development Chief Officer Dr Ezekiel Etelej said apart from the vaccination aimed at preventing the spread of diseases, the veterinarians will also sensitise livestock keepers on the best practices for optimal animal health.

Four teams, each with a veterinary, animal health, laboratory, and data recording officer, have been deployed to support the exercise.

"We are so keen on averting the spread of animal diseases which remain a huge threat to pastoralism which many of the residents rely on to fend for their families," Ezekiel said while flagging off the team.

FCDC Coordinator for LSS II program in the Arid and Semi-Arid counties Dr Elim Limlim said the organisation was keen on supporting interventions geared towards improved livelihoods.

Meanwhile, some 25 community animal disease reporters (CDRs) have been trained on using modern technology in disease surveillance bringing the total number of those trained across the county to 640 against a target of 1500 by 2027.

The trainees from Aroo, Suguta, Loima, Turkana East, South and Central, and Lokiriama areas have been issued smartphones for early detection of diseases through E-Surveillance and Kenya Animal Bio-Surveillance systems.

The training was supported by the Agricultural Sector Development Support Program (ASDSP).

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