
MPs threaten to impose sanctions on Sports PS Tum for snubbing committee meetings

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In its latest sitting session last week, the committee decried the absence of PS Tum, as well as the management of the Kenya Academy of Sports and the Sports, Arts, and Social Development Fund.

Sports Principal Secretary Peter Tum is a marked man as Members of Parliament continue to increase their pressure over his repeated absences from key committee meetings.

Their frustration is growing due to ongoing delays in building sports academies across constituencies, a major concern that the National Assembly's Sports Committee, chaired by Webuye West MP Dan Wanyama has been trying to resolve.

In its latest sitting session last week, the committee decried the absence of PS Tum, as well as the management of the Kenya Academy of Sports and the Sports, Arts, and Social Development Fund.

Teso South MP Mary Emase voiced her dissatisfaction, issuing a stern warning to the sports leadership.

"On this issue of the sports academy, the President has already made his position clear, as he has on many other programmes. But, as of today, we still don't have any completed stadiums. We shall call the PS and the CEOs either to resign or to fulfil their duties," she stated.

Matungulu MP Stephen Mule emphasised the critical role the committee plays in shaping the future of sports in the country.

"For the record, sports in this country depend heavily on this committee. We cannot leave our constituencies during recess to discuss these matters, only for the ministry to treat them lightly," he lamented.

Marsabit Woman Rep Naomi Waqo stressed the need for accountability, saying, "We need to summon the CS, PS, and the CEOs to appear before us and provide updates. They have been giving us the runaround."

Bomet East MP Richard Yegon also expressed his disappointment with PS Tum's repeated absence from important meetings.

"This is the fourth time the PS has failed to appear. He is taking us for granted, and we will not accept it. We are ready to start with this ministry and ensure that those who are not performing are removed," he vowed.

As a result, the Chairman, MP Wanyama indicated that the committee might resort to harsher measures due to PS's unavailability.

"The PS is leading us in circles. If this continues, we will have no choice but to impose sanctions, including fines of up to Sh500,000. We are summoning the CS, PS, and CEOs of the Sports Fund and the Kenya Academy of Sports to appear next Tuesday, September 3, 2024, at 8 am," he said.

"Failure to do so will compel the committee to invoke the Powers and Privileges Act to take necessary action."

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