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Charles Nyaberi's appointment as Malkia Strikers Team Manager revoked by Sports Disputes Tribunal

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The Sports Disputes Tribunal has revoked Charles Nyaberi's controversial appointment as Malkia Strikers Team Manager, reinstating Lilian Mududa to the role. The ruling cited procedural unfairness and stakeholder concerns,

The Sports Disputes Tribunal has revoked the appointment of Charles Nyaberi as Team Manager of the Malkia Strikers, Kenya’s national women’s volleyball team, for the upcoming Paris Olympics and reinstated Lilian Mududa Waweru to the role, citing her legitimate initial appointment and involvement in preparations for the games.

Nyaberi, who is also the President of the Kenya Volleyball Federation (KVF), had his appointment as team manager questioned by volleyball stakeholders in Kenya. The Tribunal found that Mududa's sudden replacement by Nyaberi was unjustified, as it was done without a fair hearing or clear reasons.

The Kenya Volleyball Federation was unable to provide substantial reasons for Mududa’s removal, failing to demonstrate any significant change in circumstances that would necessitate a new appointment. The Tribunal emphasized the importance of fair administrative procedures and adherence to gender equality in sports leadership.

In their ruling, the Tribunal stated, "The nullification of Ms. Mududa’s appointment lacked proper justification and was inconsistent with fair administrative action." They also highlighted that "the process of appointing Mr. Nyaberi failed to comply with principles of fair hearing."

Additionally, the ruling acknowledged the concerns raised by stakeholders, noting that "the appointment of Mr. Nyaberi, who is the KVF President, as the team manager raised eyebrows among volleyball stakeholders in Kenya, reflecting a conflict of interest."

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