
High Court stops FKF from holding AGM amid legal dispute

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The High Court has blocked the Football Kenya Federation from holding their Annual General Meeting amid ongoing legal disputes, delaying crucial election procedures until October 7, 2024

The High Court has halted the Football Kenya Federation (FKF) from conducting any activities, including their Annual General Meeting (AGM). This decision was made by Justice Janet Mulwa, who extended a previous order that stops FKF from moving forward with the AGM until October 7, 2024.

Justice Mulwa stated, “The application dated 26/7/2024 has been considered. Let it be served and parties attend court for hearing inter-parties on 7/10/2024.”

This extension continues an order from March 2024 and affects the AGM, which was planned to address issues within FKF, including upcoming elections. The order also prevents FKF from making any decisions until the court hears the case.

The court's decision comes after a lawsuit was filed on July 24, 2024, by three individuals. They argued that FKF leaders resumed their roles illegally after being removed in a notice from November 12, 2021.

During a gala on July 26, 2024, FKF president Nick Mwendwa shared his views on the petition. He mentioned that the AGM was meant to set up procedures for the next elections, pending the court's decision.

“We were prevented from doing our AGM, from setting up the mechanism to conduct elections by fellows who went to court, but now (we hope) it will have been revoked,” Mwendwa told the media.

He added, “Now, we will have our AGM in place, in days in fact, and once we do, we will set off the mechanisms for elections with this organization. That is why I said most likely in December, most likely in January, but the process will start soon in earnest.”

Having led FKF for eight years, Mwendwa is not allowed to seek another term, according to Sports Registrar Rose Wasike. When asked about his future in the upcoming elections, he said, “It is good you wait and see. I am going to go to the Dominican Republic and come back, maybe with the trophy, and then we can have that conversation. Politics of football is not something that should be contested like that.”

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