
Escalating food security crisis in Sudan sparks urgent call for action - FAO

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The ongoing conflict and violence have worsened the humanitarian crisis, leading to an alarming food security issue.

The growing food security crisis in Sudan has raised concerns for the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the UN (FAO).

The Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) projections indicate that approximately 17.7 million Sudanese, accounting for 37 per cent of the country's population, will face high levels of acute food insecurity between October 2023 and February 2024.

Regions like Darfur, Kordofan, and Khartoum will be the most affected.

The ongoing conflict and violence have worsened the humanitarian crisis, leading to an alarming food security issue.

Reduced agricultural production, high food prices, climate shocks, and displacements are contributing factors. The majority of internally displaced people come from eight states, with Khartoum state accounting for 67 per cent of the internally displaced people.

Displaced persons

Displaced persons are spread across all the 18 states of Sudan and extend to Egypt, South Sudan, and Chad.

Approximately 6.6 million people, including 5.2 million internally displaced people and 1.4 million seeking refuge in neighbouring countries, have been affected by the violence.

Critical infrastructure, such as healthcare facilities, schools, and power sources, has suffered damage.

Between July and September this year, before the crucial planting season, FAO managed to reach over 1 million farming households which translated to about 5 million people, to support local food production and sustain rural livelihoods.

However, instability and access challenges continue to jeopardize food security efforts.

"In the face of alarming food security challenges, FAO stands firm in its commitment to support Sudanese rural communities. The urgency is evident, and our dedication is unwavering, but the road ahead necessitates additional funding to sustain our vital assistance," Hongjie Yang, the FAO Representative in Sudan said.

FAO has been supporting local food production and sustaining rural livelihoods, benefiting approximately five million individuals.

However, instability and access challenges continue to hinder food security efforts. FAO urgently requires 75.4 million dollars to address escalating needs, increase local food production, and improve accessibility across Sudan.

Additional funding will go a long way to sustain Sudan in the face of alarming food security challenges.

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