UNHCR chief lauds Kenya's commitment to hosting refugees despite heavy costs
  • Author: Charity Kilei
  • Date: 2024-06-26 12:39:04

UNHCR chief lauds Kenya's commitment to hosting refugees despite heavy costs

As of December 31, 2023, Kenya had hosted a total of 577,492 people, 506,715 (88 per cent) of them being refugees and 70,777 (12 per cent) being asylum-seekers.

Dadaab, Kakuma refugee camps receive Sh4.8 billion extra funding
  • Author: Vincent Ombati
  • Date: 2024-06-19 19:09:46

Dadaab, Kakuma refugee camps receive Sh4.8 billion extra funding

WFP Kenya Director Lauren Landis said the contribution will enable them to increase the food rations for the most vulnerable refugees and restore the cash transfer programme.

World Environmental Day: Garissa officials call for collective action against poaching
  • Author: Issa Hussein
  • Date: 2024-06-05 20:29:30

World Environmental Day: Garissa officials call for collective action against poaching

The county KWS boss was responding to an incident where police in Dagahaley refugee camp pursued four men who killed a giraffe for game meat last evening.

Kenya's refugee numbers climb to 691,868 in 2023, KNBS reports
  • Author: Maureen Kinyanjui
  • Date: 2024-05-22 14:54:01

Kenya's refugee numbers climb to 691,868 in 2023, KNBS reports

Most of the refugees are from Somalia (371, 919), followed by South Sudan at 171, 402.

Dadaab, Kakuma refugee camps to be upgraded to settlements in urban support programme
  • Author: Maureen Kinyanjui
  • Date: 2024-05-07 13:07:10

Dadaab, Kakuma refugee camps to be upgraded to settlements in urban support programme

This will be the first time refugee camps in the county will be integrated into the initiative.

Somalia's Prime Minister set to strengthen bilateral ties on maiden visit to Kenya
  • Author: Abdirahman Khalif
  • Date: 2024-04-25 18:46:32

Somalia's Prime Minister set to strengthen bilateral ties on maiden visit to Kenya

During his visit, Prime Minister Bare is expected to sign nine bilateral agreements on behalf of Somalia, covering a wide range of areas including security, defense, aviation, trade, investment, and social services.

State launches Refugee Status Determination services in Mombasa
  • Author: Mary Wambui
  • Date: 2024-04-08 19:30:37

State launches Refugee Status Determination services in Mombasa

The Mombasa office has been offering reception, protection and documentation services, forcing thousands of people seeking refugee status to travel to Nairobi for help.

Refugees married to Kenyans sue government over citizenship
  • Author: Eastleigh Voice Reporter
  • Date: 2024-03-11 09:11:59

Refugees married to Kenyans sue government over citizenship

The petitioners argue that the government's refusal to change their statuses has denied them the opportunity to live with their husbands.

Ramadan 2024: UNHCR aid campaign targets Dadaab refugees
  • Author: Lucy Mumbi
  • Date: 2024-03-07 19:10:48

Ramadan 2024: UNHCR aid campaign targets Dadaab refugees

Funds from the Ramadan 2024 campaign will ensure continued provision of clean water and shelter kits to more than 350,000 refugees and host community members at the Dadaab refugee camp.

Inside Kenyan Government's plan to integrate refugees in local communities
  • Author: Dennis Tarus
  • Date: 2023-11-29 09:39:43

Inside Kenyan Government's plan to integrate refugees in local communities

The Shirika Plan to integrate 800,000 refugees into local communities will be presented to the Global Refugee Forum next month.

Somali-born champion of refugee education wins top UN award
  • Author: United Nations
  • Date: 2023-11-28 10:01:45

Somali-born champion of refugee education wins top UN award

Abdullahi's experience led him to start the Refugee Youth Education Hub, focusing on education and youth development at the Dadaab refugee camp.

Thousands of flood-hit Dadaab refugees in urgent need of aid
  • Author: Amina Wako
  • Date: 2023-11-21 14:33:08

Thousands of flood-hit Dadaab refugees in urgent need of aid

Within Dagahaley camp, more than 2,700 people are sheltering in five schools, while many others are sheltering with relatives.

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