Nairobi County moves to tame 'Kanjos', streamline bodaboda industry
  • Author: Maureen Kinyanjui
  • Date: 2024-07-31 08:36:48

Nairobi County moves to tame 'Kanjos', streamline bodaboda industry

To get rid of impostors, City Hall has instructed all the inspectorate offices under the bodaboda compliance and enforcement team to put on the appropriate uniform which has their identification numbers at the back.

Kwale traders count losses after county askaris vandalise their businesses
  • Author: Mishi Gongo
  • Date: 2024-07-22 15:35:18

Kwale traders count losses after county askaris vandalise their businesses

Ann Kahumbi, echoing the sentiments of many traders, called for compensation from the county. 

Mombasa man seeks justice after inspectorate officers allegedly cut off his 2 fingers
  • Author: Farhiya Hussein
  • Date: 2024-05-15 15:31:54

Mombasa man seeks justice after inspectorate officers allegedly cut off his 2 fingers

Mombasa County government has since launched an investigation into the matter, according to Public Service CECM Kenneth Ambani, who spoke to The Eastleigh Voice.

Sakaja makes a U-turn, says recording Kanjo Askaris is allowed
  • Author: Eastleigh Voice Reporter
  • Date: 2024-04-04 17:04:21

Sakaja makes a U-turn, says recording Kanjo Askaris is allowed

On Monday, the Governor gave full authority to county officers popularly known as kanjos to arrest Kenyans recording them during raids.

Business activities halted on Eastleigh's Yusuf Haji Road as hawkers decry 'kanjo' harassment
  • Author: Abdirahman Khalif
  • Date: 2023-11-23 21:16:47

Business activities halted on Eastleigh's Yusuf Haji Road as hawkers decry 'kanjo' harassment

The angry hawkers accused the enforcement officers of resorting to dumping garbage deliberately in their working areas.

PS Susan Auma reaches out to hawker whose wares were destroyed by Sakaja’s officers
  • Author: Abdimalik Hajir
  • Date: 2023-11-22 14:37:53

PS Susan Auma reaches out to hawker whose wares were destroyed by Sakaja’s officers

Principal Secretary Susan Auma of the State Department for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development has called on Kenyans to help locate a street vendor whose merchandise was destroyed by Nairobi County askaris, commonly known as "kanjos."

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