Nairobi’s matatu madness persists as City Hall’s attempts to offer solution fall flat
  • Author: Maureen Kinyanjui
  • Date: 2024-08-06 06:30:02

Nairobi’s matatu madness persists as City Hall’s attempts to offer solution fall flat

Pedestrians have to dodge between the parked matatus, risking their lives, as there’s hardly any safe place to walk.

Isiolo matatus end strike after meeting with county officials
  • Author: Waweru Wairimu
  • Date: 2024-07-22 15:53:04

Isiolo matatus end strike after meeting with county officials

Urban Development Executive Dahir Yusuf assured that before any new Sacco is permitted to operate in the town, stakeholders' meetings will be held to address any emerging issues.

Mombasa and Taita Taveta county govts resolve parking stalemate
  • Author: Farhiya Hussein
  • Date: 2024-07-15 16:45:50

Mombasa and Taita Taveta county govts resolve parking stalemate

PSV operators will continue managing designated parking slots in Mombasa while officials from both counties collaborate to end the dispute that has plagued the sector for years.

Travellers stranded as Isiolo matatu operators protest new Sacco
  • Author: Waweru Wairimu
  • Date: 2024-07-15 14:18:35

Travellers stranded as Isiolo matatu operators protest new Sacco

County Matatu Owners Chairperson Mohammed Ahmed Koroboi said they were not afraid of any competition with new entrants but insisted that the law must be followed.

Festive cheer on hold for some as Eastleigh matatus hike fares
  • Author: Patel Okumu
  • Date: 2023-12-23 16:20:08

Festive cheer on hold for some as Eastleigh matatus hike fares

As the festive cheer fills the air, Kenyans hoping to travel for the holidays faced a harsh reality – some matatu fares have taken a festive jump, defying the Matatu Owners Association's (MOA) plea for goodwill.

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