Don't disregard constitution over isolated cases of demo infiltration by goons, state told
  • Author: Mary Wambui
  • Date: 2024-07-03 16:38:36

Don't disregard constitution over isolated cases of demo infiltration by goons, state told

Article 19 and several other organisations want leaders in the security sector to act in the public's interest, facilitating the freedom to assemble, demontrate, picket, and present petitions to public authorities, peacefully and unarmed.

Finance Bill protests: KMPDU offers free medical services, condemns 'state-sanctioned violence'
  • Author: Lucy Mumbi
  • Date: 2024-06-25 15:25:41

Finance Bill protests: KMPDU offers free medical services, condemns 'state-sanctioned violence'

While condemning excessive police action, which has included shootings, KMPDU called on authorities to refrain from suppressing peaceful and unarmed demonstrators.

MPs pass Finance Bill amid intensified protests, prepare for recess from June 28
  • Author: Lucy Mumbi
  • Date: 2024-06-25 14:24:39

MPs pass Finance Bill amid intensified protests, prepare for recess from June 28

In the vote on Tuesday, 195 MPs voted in favour of the bill rejected by the public as a tool to overburden citizens via higher taxation, while 106 opposed it. There were three spoilt votes.

Business as usual in Eastleigh amid nationwide anti-Finance Bill demos
  • Author: Abdirahman Khalif
  • Date: 2024-06-25 13:22:09

Business as usual in Eastleigh amid nationwide anti-Finance Bill demos

Key outlets such as the Day to Day, Tasnim, Sunrise, Al Noor, and Bangkok malls on Mohamed Yusuf Hajii Avenue opened their doors at 9 a.m.

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