Somali elders defend NIS boss Noordin Haji, accuse Gachagua of overstepping his mandate
  • Author: Waweru Wairimu
  • Date: 2024-06-29 20:30:07

Somali elders defend NIS boss Noordin Haji, accuse Gachagua of overstepping his mandate

They criticised Gachagua for allegedly failing to advise President Ruto as his Principal Assistant on measures that should have been taken to prevent the loss of lives during the anti-tax protests.

Governor Abdulswamad criticises Gachagua's call for Noordin Haji's resignation
  • Author: Farhiya Hussein
  • Date: 2024-06-27 21:54:25

Governor Abdulswamad criticises Gachagua's call for Noordin Haji's resignation

The Mombasa Governor highlighted the risks of Gachagua's comments, stating that they undermine national unity and could exploit ethnic divisions.

DP Gachagua faces backlash over demand for Noordin Haji's resignation
  • Author: Lucy Mumbi
  • Date: 2024-06-27 06:29:00

DP Gachagua faces backlash over demand for Noordin Haji's resignation

The DP on Wednesday called for the resignation of the NIS boos whom he blamed for not effectively briefing President Ruto on the magnitude of the protests.

Gachagua: NIS failed us in wake of anti-tax demos, Noordin Haji should resign
  • Author: Farhiya Hussein
  • Date: 2024-06-26 19:09:39

Gachagua: NIS failed us in wake of anti-tax demos, Noordin Haji should resign

He accused Haji of dismantling the NIS by removing experienced directors and replacing them with less capable individuals.

Intelligence sharing key to fighting regional conflicts, terrorism - NIS boss Noordin
  • Author: Eastleigh Voice Reporter
  • Date: 2024-01-29 13:13:58

Intelligence sharing key to fighting regional conflicts, terrorism - NIS boss Noordin

The NIS boss called on his fellow counterparts in the region to strengthen the capacity of officers in digital skills to counter other forms of insecurity.

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