State urges patience from secondary school heads over delayed capitation funds
  • Author: Lucy Mumbi
  • Date: 2024-06-27 10:44:03

State urges patience from secondary school heads over delayed capitation funds

The DP said the government is facing financial challenges but efforts are underway to the resources to facilitate smooth running of operations.

Teachers issue strike notice over delayed school capitation
  • Author: Lucy Mumbi
  • Date: 2024-03-21 12:06:04

Teachers issue strike notice over delayed school capitation

KUPPET Secretary General Akelo Misori said the government has seven days to release the funds estimated to be a total of Sh54 billion, failure to which school operations will stall.

Teachers face sack over sending learners home for fees
  • Author: Lucy Mumbi
  • Date: 2024-02-01 09:45:47

Teachers face sack over sending learners home for fees

The DP said the government has disbursed capitation funds to schools, and no teacher should send a student home for any reason.

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