Senate piles more pressure on Ruto to overhaul Cabinet amid national discontent
  • Author: Lucy Mumbi
  • Date: 2024-07-03 22:35:04

Senate piles more pressure on Ruto to overhaul Cabinet amid national discontent

The Senators argued that the current state of the nation is a result of 'Ruto’s failed cabinet.'

Health committee urges Kwale County to replace old hospital equipment
  • Author: Mishi Gongo
  • Date: 2024-06-21 14:57:30

Health committee urges Kwale County to replace old hospital equipment

Msambweni Referral Hospital is the largest hospital in Kwale County, receiving patients from other facilities in the region.

Senate Committee orders special audit of funds in Isiolo County
  • Author: Maureen Kinyanjui
  • Date: 2024-06-19 10:16:48

Senate Committee orders special audit of funds in Isiolo County

Isiolo Governor Abdi Hassan Guyo appeared before the committee to account for the county's expenditures on bursaries, emergency funds, and funds allocated for youth, women, and people with disabilities.

Northern Frontier leaders chide Gachagua over 'one man, one shilling' revenue policy
  • Author: Barack Oduor
  • Date: 2024-05-21 17:52:02

Northern Frontier leaders chide Gachagua over 'one man, one shilling' revenue policy

Gachagua revived the debate for the distribution of national resources a week ago, issuing remarks that Northern leaders see as supportive of the clamour by Mt. Kenya leaders for more resources.

UDA Nairobi leaders turn against Sakaja, demand probe into city governance
  • Author: Maureen Kinyanjui
  • Date: 2024-04-19 13:55:32

UDA Nairobi leaders turn against Sakaja, demand probe into city governance

With mounting accusations of gross mismanagement and malpractice, UDA leaders called for immediate action to address the crisis.

Isiolo governor summoned for sixth time to respond to audit queries
  • Author: Waweru Wairimu
  • Date: 2024-04-17 19:42:07

Isiolo governor summoned for sixth time to respond to audit queries

Governor Guyo has since March last year missed five summonses, four of them after successfully securing postponement.

TSC falls short in employing teachers with disability - report
  • Author: Lucy Mumbi
  • Date: 2024-04-13 16:58:53

TSC falls short in employing teachers with disability - report

The MPs also sought to know the various mechanisms the Commission has implemented to ensure adequate representation of persons with disabilities, women, and minorities within its workforce.

Isiolo County promises to complete stalled headquarters after take-over
  • Author: Waweru Wairimu
  • Date: 2024-04-12 17:38:45

Isiolo County promises to complete stalled headquarters after take-over

The construction of the county headquarters' five-storey building is being co-funded by the national and county governments, with the former shouldering 70 per cent of the total cost.

Nairobi UDA MCAs accuse Senate of harassing Governor Sakaja
  • Author: Maureen Kinyanjui
  • Date: 2024-04-12 13:38:19

Nairobi UDA MCAs accuse Senate of harassing Governor Sakaja

The MCAs claimed that certain individuals are not happy with Sakaja’s progress as governor.

Senate orders the arrest of Governor Sakaja for ignoring summons
  • Author: Maureen Kinyanjui
  • Date: 2024-04-11 12:30:03

Senate orders the arrest of Governor Sakaja for ignoring summons

The Nairobi boss has also been slapped with a Sh500,000 fine for skipping the meeting.

Speakers Wetang'ula, Kingi host Iftar dinner for legislators, staff 
  • Author: Abdirahman Khalif
  • Date: 2024-03-22 00:35:11

Speakers Wetang'ula, Kingi host Iftar dinner for legislators, staff 

The event served as a reminder of the beauty of unity and the collective responsibility to uplift one another.

Health Ministry announces detection of invasive mosquito species in three counties
  • Author: Barack Oduor
  • Date: 2024-03-14 21:04:06

Health Ministry announces detection of invasive mosquito species in three counties

She also said that in the last 12 months, the county reported 3,329 confirmed malaria cases with a relatively low malaria incidence of 5.7 cases per 1000 population.

Mombasa County Assembly given 30-day deadline by Senate to address audit queries
  • Author: Farhiya Hussein
  • Date: 2024-03-09 10:57:28

Mombasa County Assembly given 30-day deadline by Senate to address audit queries

The Auditor General highlighted pending invoices and discrepancies in the reconciliation of accounts for monies allocated to ward offices during the fiscal year 2020/2021.

Isiolo Governor fined Sh500,000 for snubbing Senate Committee over audit queries
  • Author: Eastleigh Voice Reporter
  • Date: 2024-03-09 07:44:46

Isiolo Governor fined Sh500,000 for snubbing Senate Committee over audit queries

Senator Fatuma Dullo implored Isiolo residents to demand services from the leadership including the county government saying, all elected leaders had the mandate to fulfil.

Mombasa senator calls for proper use of ward development funds
  • Author: Farhiya Hussein
  • Date: 2024-02-25 11:05:50

Mombasa senator calls for proper use of ward development funds

Senator Mohamed faki also noted that it is necessary to quickly address the issue of constituency and ward boundaries.

Senators renew push for higher county allocations, warn against corruption
  • Author: Amina Wako
  • Date: 2024-01-24 07:51:33

Senators renew push for higher county allocations, warn against corruption

While CRA has suggested Sh398 billion, the CoG is demanding Sh450 billion, citing adjustments for revenue growth, inflation, and a projected road maintenance levy allocation.

Mombasa to elect 330 residents to oversee county functions
  • Author: Farhiya Hussein
  • Date: 2024-01-17 11:39:50

Mombasa to elect 330 residents to oversee county functions

Each wards will have 11 members - three men, three women, three youths and two people living with disabilities (PWDs), who will report to the Mombasa Oversight Committee.

Senate committee recommends degree requirement for county assembly speakers
  • Author: Farhiya Hussein
  • Date: 2023-12-09 16:11:44

Senate committee recommends degree requirement for county assembly speakers

The movement advocating for educational qualifications for Speakers in Kenya's National Assembly and County Assemblies gains momentum as a Senate committee recommends the requirement of a degree for these positions.

Senators now want Sakaja's Pumwani-California rehabilitation project stopped
  • Author: Dennis Tarus
  • Date: 2023-11-30 10:03:05

Senators now want Sakaja's Pumwani-California rehabilitation project stopped

The residents of the New Pumwani-California estate had written a petition to the County Government of Nairobi requesting that the ownership of the houses be converted from a Social Housing Units to a Tenant Purchase Scheme.

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