Opinion: Somalis’ economic dominance rhetoric only serves to weaken our unity as a nation
  • Author: Mohammed Doyo
  • Date: 2024-06-16 20:00:07

Opinion: Somalis’ economic dominance rhetoric only serves to weaken our unity as a nation

The claims suggesting that the success of the Somali community threatens the prosperity of other communities are misguided and detrimental to the nation's progress

Opinion: Kenyans must shun retrogressive hatred arising from revenue-sharing debate
  • Author: Ali Roba
  • Date: 2024-06-09 18:31:31

Opinion: Kenyans must shun retrogressive hatred arising from revenue-sharing debate

"We should learn from each other, trade with each other, add value to each other, and avoid unnecessary, retrogressive hatred that only leads to lose-lose outcomes."

ODPP orders probe after pastor's remarks spark furore over xenophobia against Somalis
  • Author: Hanifa Adan
  • Date: 2024-06-08 10:30:58

ODPP orders probe after pastor's remarks spark furore over xenophobia against Somalis

An unidentified pastor is captured issuing remarks about Somalis in Kenya, which several leaders from the community have described as hateful, baseless, and reminiscent of historical propagand used to marginalise communities.

OPINION: Stop stereotypes about Somali immigrants in Kenya
  • Author: Silas Nyanchwani
  • Date: 2024-05-25 12:57:30

OPINION: Stop stereotypes about Somali immigrants in Kenya

Kenya has always been home to millions of refugees, some of whom have eventually returned to their countries while others have gone abroad. Thousands of others are still at Kakuma and Dadaab refugee camps.

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