Northern Kenya

Turkana water provider rolls out surveillance of water infrastructure to deter vandalism

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The public engagements are also expected to improve the relationship between the consumers and the service provider and promote information sharing mostly on notorious suspects for action.

Turkana Urban Water and Sanitation company has rolled out surveillance of water supply systems following cases of infrastructure vandalism which have occasioned water shortages, especially within Lodwar Municipality where a number of cases have been reported in the recent past.

The county's water department technical team has been tasked to upscale monitoring of the water systems and undertake community sensitisation on the dangers of vandalism to ensure users enjoy a regular supply of the crucial commodity.

The public engagements are also expected to improve the relationship between the consumers and the service provider and promote information sharing mostly on notorious suspects for action.

Speaking after inspecting the repair and maintenance of vandalised pipes at Lokaparparae village, the Company's Acting Managing Director Esther Lokitoe said they were also working closely with local leaders and residents within the Municipality to deter vandalism cases in the future.

"Members of the public should remain vigilant and report suspicious behaviour including vandalism to the Water Department for prompt action," she said, while warning of ruthless legal action against those found culpable of the crime.

Culprits behind the Lokaparparae incident are being pursued.

The repair of the pipes has restored the supply of clean and safe drinking water in the area.

The residents accused water vendors and herders of the vandalism cases and assured the county of their willingness to volunteer crucial information to aid in making arrests.

Joseph Lokoro, a resident, said water shortage was also compromising their hygiene and sanitation. "Cases of diarrhoea increase whenever there is water rationing due to shortages," he said.

Another resident Grace Ewoi expressed optimism that the routine surveillance of the water infrastructure would bear fruits and implored the Judiciary to impose hefty times against offenders.

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