
AU warns foreign powers against interfering in DRC crisis

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The United Nations Security Council met on Wednesday to deliberate on the situation that has led to the displacement of hundreds of thousands.

The African Union has warned against external interference in the ongoing bitter crisis in Eastern DRC and called for the de-escalation of tensions between the DRC and Rwanda.

On Wednesday, Africa Union Commission Chairperson Moussa Faki expressed profound concern regarding the rising tension in the mineral-rich region and urged Presidents Paul Kagame and Felix Tshisekedi to engage in dialogue via the Luanda and Nairobi processes.

"He calls on the leaders of the region, particularly those of the DRC and Rwanda, to favour dialogue within the framework of the two African mechanisms led respectively by HE Joâo Lorenzo President of the Republic of Angola and HE Uhuru Kenyatta, former President of Kenya, purposes of agreeing, in a fraternal collaborative spirit, on a reasonable approach to resolving political disputes whatever their nature," the statement read.

The continental bloc chair strongly rejected any foreign interference that could complicate the situation in DRC, he said in a statement issued after rising tensions between Kigali and Kinshasa reached the boiling point.

"The African Union urges all foreign powers to totally refrain from any interference in the internal affairs of all African countries particularly those in the African Great Lakes. The Chairperson of the commission repeats forcefully that there will not be any military solution to problems and disagreements within the African family," the statement added.

The United Nations Security Council met on Wednesday to deliberate on the situation that has led to the displacement of hundreds of thousands.

"The fighting has further compounded an already dire humanitarian situation," warned Bintou Keita, Head of the United Nations Organisation Stabilisation Mission in the DRC (MONUSCO).

She voiced concern over "the desperate conditions" in the severely overcrowded displacement sites in and around Goma, she said more than 400,000 displaced persons have now sought refuge in the city, including 65,000 in the past two weeks.

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