
Revealed: Intricacies of Tanzania presidential transition after Magufuli's death

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On the third anniversary of President John Magufuli's passing, General Venance Mabeyo's revelations offer a deeper understanding of the intricate dynamics that shaped Tanzania's transition of power.

Following President John Magufuli's death in 2021, many saw Tanzania's transfer of presidential power as a sign of national unity and stability.

However, recent revelations from the former Chief of Defence Forces (CDF), General Venance Mabeyo, have shed light on the behind-the-scenes manoeuvres that unfolded during that critical period.

In an exclusive interview with the Daily News Digital on March 16, 2024, General Mabeyo disclosed that in the final moments of Magufuli's life, only a select group of defence and security chiefs had access to the ailing president.

This inner circle included Mabeyo himself, Intelligence and Security Director-General Diwani Athumani, and Inspector-General of Police Simon Sirro.

What followed Magufuli's passing on March 17, 2021, was a series of decisions that diverged from the expected protocol.

Rather than immediately informing then-Vice President Samia Suluhu Hassan, the defence and security chiefs opted to notify Prime Minister Kassim Majaliwa and Chief Secretary Bashiru Ally Kakurwa first.

General Mabeyo recounted the deliberations among the chiefs, questioning, "Who should we tell first?"

Under the guise of urgent matters, he summoned Majaliwa and Bashiru to Dar es Salaam without disclosing the true nature of the situation.

"The prime minister and chief secretary were in Dodoma when the president died. We asked them to come to Dar es Salaam without disclosing what had happened to him. When they arrived in Dar es Salaam, I had to disclose to them that the president had passed away."


A boy scout wears a face mask with the picture of late Tanzanian President John Magufuli during his funeral at Magufuli Stadium in Chato, his home town, on March 25, 2021. (Photo: AFP)

The rationale behind this sequence of events remains unclear, as Mabeyo declined to provide specific reasons for bypassing Vice President Samia in the initial notification.

However, after consultations and a review of the constitution, Samia decided to formally announce Magufuli's death to the nation, a decision she made after personally informing his family, including his wife and mother, of the tragic news.

"After consulting the constitution, we came to the conclusion that the Vice President should announce Magufuli's death to the nation," Mabeyo said.

Yet, despite the orchestrated approach to managing the transition, discrepancies emerged regarding the timing and ceremonial aspects of Samia's ascension to the presidency.

Magufuli's inner circle debated whether Samia should take office before or after Magufuli's funeral. Ultimately, they decided she should assume the presidency before the funeral, albeit with a delay beyond the constitutional timeframe.

"There were two thoughts: some said the president should be sworn in after Magufuli's state funeral, while others argued that it should happen before the funeral. After a long debate, we finally agreed that the vice president should be sworn in as president before the funeral. She was supposed to be pronounced president within 24 hours of Magufuli's death, but it took two days for that to happen, contrary to the constitution,” he revealed.

Further, disagreements arose over the military's involvement in Samia's inauguration ceremony, with some advocating for a subdued affair due to the nation's mourning period.

However, General Mabeyo asserted that military protocols were upheld to ensure the smooth transition of power, emphasising the importance of maintaining institutional procedures.

"I informed them that all military procedures must be followed for the swearing-in of the commander-in-chief," he said, without mentioning any names.

Despite the complexities surrounding the transition, General Mabeyo described it as "very smooth," commending President Samia for her leadership since assuming office.

He highlighted her participatory approach to governance, indicating a degree of continuity from Magufuli's tenure.

As Tanzania commemorates the third anniversary of President Magufuli's passing, these revelations offer a deeper understanding of the intricate dynamics that shaped the nation's transition of power during a period of profound uncertainty and grief.

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