City Affairs

Kenyatta University suspends classes after tragic accident claims 11 students

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11 of the students who were also critically injured have been airlifted to Avenue Hospital in Parklands, while 16 others with minor injuries have been admitted to the same hospital.

Kenyatta University (KU) has suspended all classes for three days in honor of 11 students who lost their lives following a tragic accident on Monday.

In a memo dated March 19, KU Deputy Vice-Chancellor Waceke Wanjohi said the suspension of learning will begin on March 20 to enable the institution to mourn the students.

However, the institution did not specify when classes would resume.

"Following this unprecedented tragedy, the university management has decided to suspend all classes for three days beginning Wednesday, March 20, 2024, to enable us to mourn our beloved students," Waceke said.

According to the institution, the students were from the Department of Health Management and Informatics in the School of Health Sciences.

Waceke noted that arrangements are underway to transport the remains of the 11 students to Kenyatta University Funeral Home along the Thika Superhighway.

11 of the students who were also critically injured have been airlifted to Avenue Hospital in Parklands, while 16 others with minor injuries have been admitted to the same hospital.

"In the meantime, the university has set up a Help Desk at Business Students Services Centre (BSSC) Room 151, Mobile and Phone No. 0723 352 483 or 020 2310709 to respond to queries as we offer support and assistance during this challenging time," Waceke said.

Medical expenses

The County Government of Taita Taveta has also announced that it will cover all medical expenses for the students.

Speaking after visiting the students at Moi Referral Hospital in Voi, Taita Taveta Governor Andrew Mwadime commended the efforts of the healthcare workers who continue to take care of the injured.

He also urged drivers to be cautious on the roads to avert accidents.

According to the hospital report, out of the 24 casualties, 18 have been successfully treated and discharged, while the bodies of the 11 students are at the hospital mortuary.

The students who were on their way from the main campus were involved in an accident when their school bus collided with a truck near Maungu in Voi, along the Mombasa-Nairobi highway.

According to police reports, the crash occurred when the truck heading to Nairobi collided with the bus carrying the students.

Police said the driver of the university bus was overtaking a fleet of motor vehicles, and as it was raining heavily, the bus skidded to the right side of the road.

This prompted the driver of the truck to avoid a head-on collision, hence hitting the left side of the university bus.

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