
Kwale County increases muguka charges to Sh300,000 per lorry

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This move is part of a broader effort to tackle the issue of drug abuse in Kwale County and ensure the youth can thrive in a drug-free environment.

Kwale County has announced a significant increase in Muguka charges from Sh10,000 to Sh300,000 per lorry entering the county. This announcement follows the passage of the County Finance Bill 2024 by the County Assembly Members last week, which now awaits being signed into law.

The announcement was made at Sobibor in Mackinnon Road during the 61st Madaraka Day celebrations. The move is aimed at regulating the use of the stimulant in the area.

Kwale County Governor Fatuma Achani called upon Members of the National Assembly to amend the Act supporting Muguka as a cash crop and make it illegal due to its destructive impact on the youth.

"Kwale is among the hotspot counties where Muguka is highly consumed. This has led locals to propose a total ban on the stimulant in the region, following similar bans issued by the governors of Mombasa and Taita Taveta two weeks ago," Governor Fatuma stated.

Locals who attended the Madaraka Day celebrations at Mackinnon Road. (Photo: Mishi Gongo)

However, the governor explained that a total ban was not possible as the county lacked the authority to enforce it. Instead, she promised to implement measures to regulate its consumption.

"I want to thank MP Owen Baya, who has tabled a motion in the National Assembly to change the Muguka Act," said Governor Fatuma. She also urged security agencies to arrest anyone involved in supplying drugs in the county.

"It's not just about Muguka but also bhang and hard drugs that need to be banned. For our youth to be productive, we must create an environment free of drugs," she added.

The governor's sentiments were echoed by the Speaker of the County Assembly, Seth Kamanza, and Kasemeni Member of the County Assembly, Victor Safari, who stated that the Finance Bill 2024 aims to regulate Muguka by making the charges prohibitively high.

"The effects caused by Muguka are many compared to the benefits," said Kamanza. "It does not need a law for one to change, but as youths, you should make your own decisions concerning the use of Muguka," added the speaker.

This move is part of a broader effort to tackle the issue of drug abuse in Kwale County and ensure the youth can thrive in a drug-free environment.

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