
Wundanyi residents support construction of Sh9m bus park to ease congestion

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Residents noted they are optimistic about the new bus park's positive impact on Wundanyi’s infrastructure and economic development.

Residents of Wundanyi in Taita Taveta County have expressed their support for the construction of a new bus park in town, citing the current park's inadequacy in accommodating the increasing number of vehicles.

The project, estimated to cost the county government Sh9 million, aims to alleviate congestion and enhance regional transportation services.

During a public participation event organised by the county government on Tuesday, residents voiced their approval, highlighting the pressing need for a larger and more organised bus park in Wundanyi.

Residents noted they are optimistic about the new bus park's positive impact on Wundanyi’s infrastructure and economic development.

"We have been facing challenges with the current bus park for a long time. It is always overcrowded, and vehicles are parked haphazardly, causing traffic jams and inconvenience for residents and passengers. The new bus park will improve the situation and make transportation more efficient," said Charles Maghanga, a resident.

Wundanyi residents in Taita Taveta County during a public participation forum on Tuesday. (Photo: Farhiya Hussein)

John Charo, a matatu driver, echoed these sentiments, stating, "The construction of the Wundanyi Bus Park is a welcome development for our town. With the increasing number of vehicles coming in and out every day, we desperately need a bigger and well-organised facility to cater to the needs of commuters and drivers. This project will bring much-needed relief to the congestion issues we face."

Business owners in the town also welcomed the move, pointing out the difficulties they have faced with the current transportation setup.

Grace Njoki, a local business owner,  is pleased to hear about the new bus park project. "As someone who relies on transportation services for my business, I am pleased to hear about the new bus park project. A more spacious and functional bus park will benefit residents and boost economic activities in the town by facilitating smoother movement of goods and people."

Trade County Executive Committee Member Gertrude Shuwe and Wundanyi Mbale MCA Jimmy Mwamidi stressed the importance of the project.

"This bus park will not only provide ample space for our matatus and boost our transport industry but also attract more businesses to the area," she said.

Mwamidi urged local businesses to vacate the construction site within six months to allow the project to commence. The county government has allocated Sh5 million for the project in the current financial year, with completion expected by December.

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