
Ninth Street in Eastleigh transformed after a decade of disrepair

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According to Eastleigh North Member of County Assembly (MCA) Ahmedkadar Dabar, the road has been a long-standing concern for the community.

Eastleigh's Ninth Street, a key road between Mohamed Yusuf Haji Avenue and Second Avenue, has undergone a transformation. Previously in a state of disrepair for over a decade, the newly tarmacked street brings renewed hope for economic growth and improved conditions for both businesses and residents.

According to Eastleigh North Member of County Assembly (MCA) Ahmedkadar Dabar, the road has been a long-standing concern for the community.

"This road has been in a bad state for long, and now that the tarmacking is done, it will hopefully boost the economy around here," said Ahmedkadar.

The MCA emphasised that the redevelopment was crucial not only for economic reasons but also for improving the overall appearance of the area.

A freshly tarmacked nine-street connecting Mohamed Yusuf Haji Avenue to Second Avenue in Eastleigh. (Photo: Abdirahman Khalif)

He noted that while Ninth Street has seen improvements, there are still a few roads in Eastleigh that need attention, and plans are in place to tarmac all roads in this busy business hub.

Ninth Street has already been a centre for diverse business activities. The street hosts a variety of enterprises, including hospitals, restaurants, private schools, boutiques, and shops selling clothes and food both at retail and wholesale levels. The area also features several residential buildings, many with over six floors, adding to the bustling atmosphere.

Business owners and residents alike are optimistic that the newly improved road conditions will enhance their livelihoods.

Abdiaziz Ahmed, who runs a snack shop on Ninth Street, expressed optimism about the potential for increased business visibility.

"Any business needs favourable visibility. I hope now that this street is tarmacked, more people will be using it to cross from Second Avenue to Yusuf Haji or vice versa, making my business visible to more people," Abdiaziz told The Eastleigh Voice.

The improved road is expected to facilitate better customer flow, particularly from Mohamed Yusuf Haji Avenue, enhancing access to businesses along Ninth Street.

Another business owner, Tawane Hussein, who operates a food wholesale shop, shared similar sentiments. He noted that the improved road conditions would ease logistics, particularly for delivery trucks.

Business owners and residents are optimistic that new tarmacked street will enhance their livelihoods. (Photo: Abdirahman Khalif)

"Those drivers used to complain when they delivered my stock, but not anymore. We are pleased with the tarmacking of this road," said Tawane.

The smoother road surface is expected to reduce delivery times and enhance the overall efficiency of business operations in the area.

Landowners in the area are also looking forward to the potential benefits of the road improvement.

The upgraded infrastructure is anticipated to attract more tenants, increasing demand for residential spaces. The improved aesthetics and functionality of the street are expected to make it a more appealing location for both business and residential purposes.

However, concerns remain about the sustainability of the road's condition.

Eastleigh has faced challenges with road maintenance, particularly due to the high volume of construction activities in the area.

Lorries moving sludge from building foundations frequently leave debris on the roads, quickly deteriorating the tarmac. Rainy seasons compound this issue by making the roads muddied and difficult to navigate.

Borehole drilling companies also contribute to the problem, as they often release sludge onto the roads during drilling activities. This quickly leads to the degradation of newly tarmacked surfaces, making roads impassable within a short time.

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