Fact Check

Fact Check: Nyamweya earns Sh19,000 from online writing and not Sh150k as claimed by State House spokesman

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This clearly indicates that the State House spokesperson, who is expected to exhibit a high level of diligence, was misleading Kenyans with his claim.

State House Spokesperson Hussein Mohamed falsely claimed on Wednesday via a tweet on his X account that Samson Nyamweya earns Sh150,000 per month through online writing after enrolling in the Jitume program.

Nyamweya, who shared his experience with President William Ruto during his visit to Kabete National Polytechnic for the closing ceremony of the National TVET Centenary Celebrations, has stated that he earns roughly Sh19,000 per month.

What Happened?

During the President’s visit, Nyamweya introduced himself and showcased how he performs his online job. He expressed his happiness in being able to earn and pay his bills.

Nyamweya informed President Ruto that he earns USD40 per week, approximately Sh5,000, and takes home USD150 per month, roughly Sh19,500.

“My name is Samson Nyamweya and I am a graduate in Business Administration from the Technical University of Mombasa,” he told Ruto during the visit.

“I earn $40 in a week which I can convert to $150 in a month.”

He also mentioned that he has earned a total of USD600 over four months, which is around Sh77,000.

This clearly indicates that the State House spokesperson was misleading Kenyans with his claim.

Facts First: Hussein Mohamed’s claim is false. It is not true that Samson Nyamweya earns Sh150,000 per month through online writing.

Nyamweya's actual earnings are significantly lower, as confirmed by his statements during the event at Kabete National Polytechnic.

The State House spokesperson's inaccurate statement misleads the public about the effectiveness and benefits of the Jitume program.

He later clarified and apologised for the mistake. "My apologies, folks, I meant $150 per month. Chill out and don't make a mountain out of a molehill. But at least we all agree that President Ruto's interventions are creating incomes for Nyamweya and many more."

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