
WHO boosts Kenya’s health tech with 940 tablets

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In November 2023, the WHO donated 11 tablets to the Ministry of Health. Today's donation of 940 tablets fulfils a promise made during their earlier donation.

The World Health Organisation (WHO) has made a large donation to Kenya's healthcare system, transforming it digitally. WHO has provided 940 tablets to the Ministry of Health, worth $476,000 (Sh62,594,000), to improve immunisation data management.

Health Cabinet Secretary Nakhumicha said that the government is embracing the use of digital technology and is in the race to deliver the promise of Universal Health Coverage which will increase efficiency, be cost-effective, reduce wastage and expand their reach.

"On 19th of October 2023, H.E President William Ruto assented to the Digital Health Act No.15 of 2023. The Act, which formally commenced on the 2nd of November 2023 is in line with both Global and local trends on embracing digital technology in the health sectors to both increase operational efficiency and enhance the delivery of health services" said Nakhumicha.

She underlined that the tablets are a significant boost to the work of the National Vaccines and Immunisation Programme and they would help improve data quality for decision-making on the programme.

"Provision of high quality maternal and child health services are a key part of our focus to enhance primary healthcare as we work towards eliminating preventable maternal and child deaths and accurate data on immunisation is essential," she said.

The WHO county representative in Kenya, Dr AbdourahmaneDiallo applauded the Ministry of Health for rolling out CHANJO-KE, an electronic data management with enabled vaccinators to record individual data and the vaccination status of vaccines using handheld devices while empowering the vaccines to print out their vaccination certificates.

"To support this endeavour of going digital, WHO is making available handheld devices for data entry and management that will extend to all other vaccines offered in the immunisation schedule,” said Dr Diallo.

He added that the tablets will have screen protectors and covers and KNOX ID for traceability through remote tracking.

"We know that when using paper-based documentation, some children are vaccinated but the data is not recorded or missed during compilation. With the use of these devices, data errors will be reduced significantly if not eliminated. Addressing data quality gaps will therefore increase immunization coverage and better management of vaccine stocks," Dr Diallo continued.

In November 2023, the WHO donated 11 tablets to the Ministry of Health. Today's donation of 940 tablets fulfils a promise made during their earlier donation.

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