Garissa water agency says MD's arrest won't affect operations

GAWASCO Managing Director Mohamed Dolal was last week arrested and arraigned at the Garissa High Court on claims of forging an academic certificate.
The Garissa Water and Sewerage Company (GAWASCO) on Thursday allayed fears about the fate of its operations following the arrest and arraignment of its managing director on fraud claims.
Spokesperson Omar Abdullahi said the court case will not affect operations and that the public has nothing to worry about.
"You might have seen court issues involving our MD but I would like to assure residents that this won't affect our smooth operations," he told the press at their offices.
He added that the company will continue to supply clean water and provide all other services to residents.
GAWASCO Managing Director Mohamed Dolal was last week arrested and arraigned at the Garissa High Court on claims of forging an academic certificate.
EACC Spokesperson Eric Ngumbi said Dola is accused of changing the grade on his certificate for the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) exams from D to C+, to meet the University of Nairobi (UoN) admission requirement.
Dolal was released on a cash bail of Sh200,000 ahead of his plea-taking on February 5.
Omar's remarks came after locals complained of acute water shortages in many parts of the Garissa town centre, saying were forced to buy water from distributors who charged exorbitant prices.
Additionally, residents of parts including Bula Mzuri, Bula Kuna, and Tawakal complained of a lack of political will to address the town's perennial water problems.
"The county has put up a water tank here but it has never had water. We are wondering what the essence of putting up the tank was," said Mohamed Ahmed, a resident of Bula Mzuri.
The residents threatened to destroy the tank if the county government does not provide the water.
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