
Highlights from General Francis Ogolla's memorial service at Ulinzi Sports Complex

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Final rites took place from Friday ahead of General Ogolla's burial at his Ng'iya home in Siaya County on Sunday.

A memorial service took place at the Ulinzi Sports Complex in Nairobi on Saturday for Kenya's fallen Chief of Defence Forces (CDF) Francis Ogolla.

Gen. Ogolla died, aged 62, in a crash in Sindar, Elgeyo Marakwet, when the Kenya Air Force Huey helicopter he was travelling in, alongside 11 other military officials, crashed and burned at around 2.20 pm. There were two survivors.

Final rites took place from Friday ahead of his burial at his Ng'iya home in Siaya County on Sunday, in line with his wish to be buried 72 hours after his death.

The following were the updates from the memorial service:

15:45: The body of General Francis Ogolla leaves for Mashujaa Funeral Home ahead of Sunday's burial rites.

15:25: Military honours take place: the Last Respect, a minute's silence, the 19-gun salute, the Missing Man Formation, a Fly-Past and the national anthem.

Afterwards, the body left Ulinzi for the Mashujaa Funeral Home.

15:00: President William Ruto is called to address the public, beginning with a recount of the events of April 18, when the helicopter crashed.

The president names all the 10 people who died in the crash, describing it as a "sad and tragic moment."

"Gen. Ogolla represents the best of what Kenya has to offer," Ruto says, noting that this is Kenya's first time to lose a serving CDF.

"We are here to say bye-bye to a consummate military officer—a patriotic citizen of Kenya with great humility. Even in his death, he is giving us lessons and lectures on humility. This very function is the epitome of humility."

14: 51: Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua begins his address, saying the CDF "was a very committed officer of the military" as well as a humble, kind, amiable, and humorous person.

"He was funny and would, many times, give us stories and tell jokes as we waited at the airport to see the president off or welcome him back from abroad."

Gachagua further discloses that President Ruto received the news of Gen. Ogolla's death at the Sagana State Lodge and was devastated.

He also says that a great way to honour the CDF would be to completely quash banditry - Gen. Ogolla and the other officials had travelled for tours under Operation Maliza Uhalife, which is focused on ending banditry, cattle rustling and other such crimes in the North Rift.

"His death should strengthen our forces' resolve to end banditry," Gachagua says.

14: 45: Musalia Mudavadi, the Prime Cabinet Secretary and Foreign minister, addresses the mourners.

Mudavadi begins by acknowledging the presence of several heads of mission, among them Azerbaijan, Portugal, the Czech Republic, the European Union, Italy, the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic, Eritrea, India, and Ukraine.

Others are Ghana, the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Nigeria, Algeria, Sudan, and the DR Congo.

Mudavadi says that "if there were a description of an epitome of humility, it would be the fallen General.

"Gen. Ogolla was a brilliant and deep thinker, not an emotional one. He was truly a deserving and befitting leader of the military," he says.

14:37: Opposition chief Raila Odinga, leader of the Azimio la Umoja coalition and the Orange Democratic Movement (ODM), gives his speech.

He calls for a thorough investigation to end speculation about the helicopter crash, and to curb aircraft accidents that have been on the rise in Kenya.

"A lot of rumours are flying around about the cause of the death of General Ogolla. Only thorough investigations can put that to rest," he says.

14:30: Defence Cabinet Secretary Aden Duale gives his speech.

Aden says the April 18 crash "has left a void in our hearts and a deep sense of loss."

"Let us honour his tributes of loyalty, honour, and service to the country and the KDF. Let us retain unity through his mantra, 'One force, one mission'."

14:18: The Vice Chief of Defence Forces, Miacheal Muriu Kahariri, gives his address.

Kahariri says the choice of dressing today (combat jungle) is in honour of Ogolla, as he died in the line of duty.

"The KDF remains strong despite the loss. We are continuing our duties of securing the country just as the General would have wanted us to," he says.

He adds, "He was a very visionary leader, a decisive commander, and was strongly grounded professionally."

14:14: Gen. Ogolla's biography is read, highlighting his steps to the CDF post.

Scenes from General Francis Ogolla's memorial service at the Ulinzi Sports Complex in Nairobi on April 20, 2024.

13:58:  Speeches begin, with Gen. Ogolla's son, Joel, as the first to address the mourners.

Joel says the coffin bearing his father's body cost about Sh6,800, demonstrating his humility and avoidance of vanity.

"Jesus was wrapped in a sheet and put in a tomb. We will wrap him like that and bury him as quickly as possible, just as he wanted," he says.

He adds, "He understood his position was temporary. He treated all with respect. He respected every single human life. His ultimate dream was to have a fully peaceful Kenya."

Joel also says he will honour his father's request to take care of his mother following his death.

He further asks the public to take their health and fitness seriously, saying that his father did at least 60 pressups and ran multiple laps everyday.

13:50: In his preaching, Colonel (Rev) Alfayo Lelei, chaplain of the Anglican Church within the Kenya Defence Forces (KDF), recounts the life and times of Gen. Ogolla, saying that in 2016, the church and the military hatched a plan to make him a canon, in recognition of his service to the church, but he declined.

"Ogolla lived a life of simplicity and was a believer," he says.

13:20: A session for prayers and a summons begins, featuring various religious leaders, the choir, and preaching.

13:09: General Ogolla's body is officially received at the venue, with senior military officials in the rank of generals wheeling it to the catafalque on which it will lie during the service. At the front of the procession are religious leaders.

12:58: A military band comprising the three services—the army, the air force and the navy—leads a procession carrying the General’s body to the stadium. The procession begins with a lap of honour at the stadium.

President William Ruto at General Francis Ogolla's memorial service at the Ulinzi Sports Complex in Nairobi on April 20, 2024.

12:53: Gen. Ogolla's family members take their seats as President William Ruto arrives for the service, accompanied by Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua, First Lady, Prime Cabinet Secretary  -(CS) Musalia Mudavadi, Senate Speaker Amason Kingi, and Defence Cabinet Secretary Aden Duale.

The national anthem is played to mark the official start of the proceedings.

12:52: Government and opposition leaders are seated ahead of the start of the service.

Among them are Chief Justice Martha Koome, Attorney-General Justin Muturi, members of the diplomatic corps, Health CS Susan Nakhumicha, and National Intelligence Service (NIS) boss Noordin Haji. Others present are the commanders of the three services of the Kenya Defence Forces (KDF) and politicians.

12:30 hrs: President William Ruto heads to the service.

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