
Kenyan woman Lilian Seenoi-Barr becomes Northern Ireland’s first black mayor

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"She has become an important community activist, speaking out on behalf of those who are marginalised and, at times, struggle to have their voices heard."

Kenyan-born Lilian Seenoi-Barr has been selected to serve as Northern Ireland’s first black mayor in the country's history.

Councillor Seenoi-Barr, representing the Social Democratic and Labour Party (SDLP), was selected by the party to become the next first citizen of Derry City and Strabane District Council.

SDLP Leader, Colum Eastwood, while speaking to Belfast Live, expressed his pride in Councillor Seenoi-Barr's achievement, highlighting her representation of the party in this significant position.

“Since moving to Derry from Kenya, Lilian has embedded herself in the centre of life in our city, getting involved in a range of positive initiatives, most notably helping others from migrant backgrounds adjust to life in their new home.

"She has become an important community activist, speaking out on behalf of the marginalised and, at times, struggle to have their voices heard," Colum Eastwood stated.

He added that the party was delighted when Lilian joined them, sharing their vision of a peaceful and prosperous future for the people in the city, region, and island based on respect for difference and diversity.

"She has been a constant source of enthusiasm, energy, and positivity, and she is a valuable addition to the SDLP family," Colum Eastwood stated.

While her selection was criticised by some party members as undemocratic, Seenoi-Barr defended it as being open.

"I put my name forward; there was an open process and I was selected after a very robust interview that all three candidates went through," she told the BBC on Monday.

"The process was open to everyone, and they could ask management if they had any reservations, but I wanted to focus on the position."

Councillor Seenoi-Barr, a Maasai woman and proud Derry resident, has been serving the Foyleside ward of Londonderry since 2021.

Originally from Kenya, she brought her passion for gender rights and social justice to the role, having previously worked to combat forced marriage and female genital mutilation in her community.


A strong advocate for equality, she helped organise the 2020 Black Lives Matter protests in Derry's Guildhall Square. Reflecting on her journey, Councillor Seenoi-Barr expressed her gratitude to the people of Derry, saying, "The people of this city have taken me into their hearts, and everywhere I go, I never fail to be amazed at the warmth, kindness, and generosity of the people who live here."

"Having initially come to Derry as a refugee facing an uncertain future, I can now truly say that my family has found their home. I am proud to be a Maasai woman and a Derry girl,” she told the BBC.

In Kenya, Narok Senator Ledama Olekina congratulated Lilian Seenoi-Barr and described her election as a great milestone.

"Please join me in congratulating my baby sister, Councillor Lilian Seenoi for being elected as the first black - Maasai Mayor of the City of Derry, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom. May the good Lord open many doors for you as you lead your people of Derry, UK," Olekina posted on his X platform.

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