
Traffic disruptions expected in Nairobi ahead of planned protest against Finance Bill

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Police officers have mobilised and more anti-riot units are expected to be deployed from noon to manage the situation.

Kenyans have been warned of potential traffic disruptions around Parliament Buildings on Tuesday, June 18, due to a planned protest against the Finance Bill, 2024.

Police officers have mobilised and more anti-riot units are expected to be deployed from noon to manage the situation.

This is after concerns were raised that protesters might attempt to block MPs from accessing Parliament, prompting the deployment of anti-riot teams.

“Motorists should plan well from midday to avoid getting caught up in the chaos. We may see more officers in the city and some roads being blocked. Only authorized vehicles and persons will be allowed on roads such as Parliament Road,” a police officer said.

The protest, dubbed “Occupy Parliament”, is scheduled for the same day the Bill is expected to be tabled in the House, with voting of the Bill anticipated on Thursday, June 20, 2024.

On Tuesday, President William Ruto met with Members of Parliament at State House to rally Kenya Kwanza MPs behind the Bill ahead of its presentation.

Police meetings

Following notification of the planned protest, high-level police meetings have been held to strategise on handling the event.

“We are aware and are planning how to handle the situation. We do not know what the group wants, but we fear they will disrupt businesses,” Nairobi Police Commander Adamson Bungei said.

While insisting that the protests will be peaceful, protest organiser Boniface Mwangi urged citizens to rise against over-taxation.

“We have marshals who will guide the group. Police should have called us to plan together on how we will conduct the business because this issue will also affect them,” he said.

“I shall be in the streets shouting #RejectFinanceBill. Seven out of 10 shillings collected are going towards servicing debt, who are we paying? Audit the debt. We shall gather to keep vigil as members of Parliament vote at 2:30 pm. IG Koome should provide police protection and respect Article 37 of the Constitution, which ensures the right to protest and picket.”

Infotrak survey indicates that public opposition to the Finance Bill is significant with 87 per cent of Kenyans saying they are against the proposed revenue measures.

Activists have been mobilising support on social media using the hashtags #RejectFinanceBill and #OccupyParliament encouraging citizens to gather in large numbers for the protest.

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