
Eastleigh traders up in arms as Nairobi County imposes daily display fee

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A move by Nairobi County officers to charge Eastleigh traders a daily fee of Sh100 for displaying their wares outside their shops has sparked an outrage among the shop owners.

A move by Nairobi County officers to charge Eastleigh traders a daily fee of Sh100 for displaying their wares outside their shops has sparked an outrage among the shop owners. The traders claim that they are being subjected to a daily tax on shop extensions, despite having fulfilled all their tax obligations to the Nairobi County Government.

Ahmed Isaac, a vocal trader from Eastleigh, expressed his frustration, emphasizing that the imposition of a cess fee of Sh100 for displaying his wares in front of his shop was unjustified. He firmly stated, "We have already paid for all that in the several licenses that we have already settled."

In response to the unfolding situation, Eastleigh North MCA Ahmed Dabar clarified that while the bill had been passed by the Nairobi County MCAs, it was not intended to affect traders who had already fulfilled their licensing requirements. He stressed that the new regulation should primarily apply to street hawkers who do not pay rent.

Meanwhile, the traders underscored their contributions to the county's revenue, noting that they also regularly pay for advertisement licenses. They argued that the recent imposition of additional taxes on their businesses was discriminatory and unjust, calling for fair treatment across all parts of Nairobi.

Adding to the ongoing discourse, Nairobi Governor Johnson Sakaja recently urged street hawkers to vacate the streets of Nairobi, citing the need for orderly and organized urban spaces. His comments come at a time when the city is grappling with the issue of balancing the needs of the informal economy with maintaining a structured and regulated urban environment.

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