
Drivers, traders stranded on Wajir-Mandera road for over 10 days give their account

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The plight of stranded lorries along the Wajir-Mandera road has taken a toll on drivers and traders, with many facing significant challenges and losses.

Stranded on the Wajir-Mandera Road: Drivers and traders share their ordeal after over 10 days

The plight of stranded lorries along the Wajir-Mandera road has taken a toll on drivers and traders, with many facing significant challenges and losses. Omar Abdi a driver, who has been exposed to the elements for more than 10 days, expressed uncertainty about the likelihood of receiving help anytime soon.

"We've been stuck out here for more than 10 days now, and it feels like we've been forgotten. We're not sure if and when help will come," lamented Omar Abdi.

The situation is worse for traders carrying perishable goods like tomatoes. One trader Miriam Njeri shared the devastating impact, saying, "The tomatoes we were transporting have gone bad due to the prolonged delay. We've been forced to throw them away, incurring losses amounting to millions."

Sleeping in the open has also exposed drivers to health risks, with Martin Njuguna expressing concern about mosquito bites at night. Njuguna fears the risk of contracting malaria and emphasised the need for urgent assistance.

"We endure mosquito bites at night, and it's a real concern for our health. We fear contracting malaria as we have no shelter," said the Juguma.

Access to safe water has become a pressing issue for those stranded, leading some to resort to collecting rainwater. However, this makeshift solution raises fears of waterborne diseases, further complicating the challenging situation.

Ayaan Ibrahim who is a driver voiced the need for better infrastructure planning, suggesting, "The government should consider building roads with rains and floods in mind. High bridges that are not affected by flash floods could prevent such situations in the future." He also urged residents to explore water harvesting initiatives, stressing that its potential to assist during droughts.

The stranded lorries and their occupants await urgent assistance as the challenges persist along the Wajir-Mandera road.

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