
Mandera-bound Makkah bus crashes on Nairobi-Garissa Highway; 10 dead

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Ten people have been confirmed dead and several others injured after a bus carrying 50 passengers rammed into a stalled trailer Friday morning.

The tragic accident involving a bus belonging to Al-Mukaram Bus Service occurred at approximately 1:30 am along the Garissa-Mwingi road near Katumba Trading Center.

According to eyewitnesses, the accident occurred when the bus attempted to overtake a vehicle that failed to stop after the encounter.

To avoid a head-on collision, the bus driver tried to return to his lane but rammed into a Mercedes Benz trailer, which had stalled on the road due to a mechanical breakdown.

Bangale Sub County police commander Ephraim Kimani said eight people died on the spot while two others died at the Garissa Referral Hospital while under treatment.

"We are still investigating the accident since the driver is still at large and the bus conductor was among those who died on the spot," he said.

He said the bodies were transported to Garissa Referral Hospital mortuary while the 26 casualties were taken to Bangale Health Centre in Tana River County and Garissa Referral Hospital.

The Garissa Referral Hospital Chief Administrator, Mahat Salah also confirmed that eight bodies were brought to the hospital and 13 people were critically injured.

Among the 13, two died at the hospital increasing the total number of deaths to 10.

Mahat stated that the medical staff was mobilised after midnight, ambulances were despatched to the location of the accident, and the casualties were still receiving the necessary care, with some undergoing amputation and surgery.

Relatives at the Garissa Referral Hospital waiting to collect bodies for burial. Photo: Issa Hussein.

He went on to say that they expected more casualties from the Bangale Health Centre in Tana River County.

Abdirahman Mohamed of Mandera town, who was treated and released, had minor head injuries.

With a bandage on his head, he claimed he was in a deep sleep when the tragedy occurred following a day-long exhausting trek from Mandera.

"I can't tell exactly how it happened, I remember a big bang, extreme shaking and cry from the victims, I found myself thrown outside from the widow of the bus, it was terrible," he narrated.

At the men's surgery ward, Ibrahim Guracha vividly remembered how the driver tried to overtake a vehicle before the bus rammed into the trailer.

Ibrahim travelled from Elwak town in Mandera yesterday at 11 am to visit a relative in Nairobi.

A five-year-old Mohamed Abdi who survived lost his mother in the fatal accident.

Relatives of the 10 victims who died, gathered at the Garissa Referral Hospital mortuary to collect the bodies for burial in Garissa town.

Mohamed Hussein, a civil servant who lost his sister in the accident was among the relatives who assembled at the mortuary.

"I have spoken to my family members in Mandera, some are already on their way to Garissa to participate in the burial ceremony," he said.

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