Northern Kenya

County rolls out development of Kakuma Municipality land plan

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The multisectoral initiative being led by the county government seeks to transform Kakuma, which hosts a diverse population of refugees, into a well-organised town where land for public utilities is mapped out.

Turkana county government has rolled out the development of the Kakuma Municipality plan which will aid in mapping out public land in the area following its recent elevation to Municipality status, which made it the second urban centre after Lodwar which hosts the county headquarters.

The multisectoral initiative being led by the county government seeks to transform Kakuma, which hosts a diverse population of refugees, into a well-organised town where land for public utilities is mapped out.

County Land and Urban Areas Management Executive Peter Akono said mapping out space for various developments including public utilities will ensure sobriety, reduce congestion and help address potential land grabbing which mostly occurs due to poor planning of urban centres in the initial stages.

"The plan will guide how development will be carried out in the town including where social amenities will be set up," he said.

To promote diversity, Peter said the Refugees Act 2021 and the Comprehensive Refugee Response Framework (CRRF) will be considered during the process.

"It will ensure the developments that will be carried out in the Municipality are inclusive and cater for the needs of host communities and refugees," he said.

The official spoke during a public engagement meeting in Lodwar town.

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